1 Power – The Wind Way
2 Windy Years India Currently holds a cumulative capacity of over 21000MW in India. Wind power growth in India has seen various ups & downs mainly attributed towards Policy and investments into the sector. Wind Power is expected to grow by MW per year in the 5 th Five year Plan
3 WTG Technology Evolution More MW & Larger Rotors New Blade & Electrical Systems for Optimal Energy Capture Advanced O&M Practices 24x7 Monitoring via SCADA Condition Monitoring & Predictive Maintenance Life Extension Power Forecasting
4 Performance of Wind Turbines Source : CEA Glance report 2012 / Wind PLF estimated by IWTMA Source : MNRE Wind has consistently increased its share in the energy mix of the Country. Wind Contributes to more than 70% of India’s Renewable portfolio Wind power PLF has improved over the years Goa Delhi
5 PSU Accelerated Depreciation Independent Power Producers ▪Tax Benefits ▪Wheeling & Banking Market Share Key drivers ▪GBI scheme ▪Attractive Feed-in Tariff ▪Renewable Purchase Obligations ▪80IA Benefits The Market forecast a capacity addition of MW every year Segment ▪GBI scheme ▪RPO Compliance ▪Fuel security of coal & gas 5-10% 30 – 40% 40 – 50% Customer Segmentation ▪Private sector driven investment trend is being noticed ▪Conventional power Utilities are becoming more prominent due scarcity of fuel ▪Going forward the industry will see a lot of small scale domestic IPP emerging
6 Wind Power : Contributions Sustained Capacity Addition over the years Consistent generation of 19-22% in the last five years Energy Security Cumulative CO 2 emission reduction of 68MT in the 11 five year plan Consumes less than 1litre of water MWh of power produced Aided significant development of Rural Population Environment Saved ~41 mT of coal imports in the 11 th Five year Plan Estimates a forex savings of ~INR Cr in the 11 th five year plan Economy Wind Power : Accelerating Growth Long term Visibility & certainty in Policy Stricter compliance of RPO National Level Wind Mission to address the Industry bottlenecks Long-term Vision Development of required Transmission & Evacuationinfrastructure Extension of GBI and tax exemptions in imports / Income & depreciation Simplification of Approvals & Permits for land and Infrastructure development Government incentive Schemes Reduced lending rates and longer loan tenure Promotion of Green bonds Financial Aids Source : IWTMA
7 Gamesa Profile A 2.3 bEUR company with over 20 years of experience, with over 30GW installed globally. Offering services in 3 verticals of wind Business – Manufacturing, Wind farm development and Operations & Maintenance A company with great emphasis on Quality, Health & safety and Research
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