Charles Arnaudo Design and Visual Communication 2015
Mission Statement I plan on pursuing a degree in Computer Science at Wentworth Institute of Technology and staying active with my band.
Personal Interests I drum for a band called Within Dreams.
Why I Chose DVC When I was in exploratory, I found joy in using photoshop. Mr. Copel’s enthusiasm also caught my attention, and I really enjoyed the energy he brought to the class and the way he taught us.
Sophomore Year Began learning Photoshop Learned Gestalt Principles of Design (Unity, Contrast, Emphasis, Repetition and Balance) Learned photography skills
Junior Year Mastered Photoshop Became well versed in Illustrator Learned about different mediums such as brochures and fliers
Senior Year We are doing stuff and making things
Book Design in InDesign First time using InDesign Learning about margins, bleeds Text boxes, photo boxes Borders Kerning, Letting, Tracking and Justification
Challenges with InDesign The images were cropped using boxes, which as unlike how I was used to The text boxes determined the placing of text, which was different from Illustrator Mrs. Ruiz helped me understand the fundamental differences and tackle the issues I faced
Reflection of Book Design The project helped me understand the difference from Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. The book is also a nice memento to help me remember the fun times I had in DVc.
After Graduation I plan on attending Wentworth Institute of Technology for Computer Science. My experience in Graphic Design helped me pick this field because I learned that I like to do creative work.
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