Chapter What does Tom admit about passing the Ewell home on his way to work? He admits he has helped her many times. (p. 191) 98. How did Mayella coax Tom into the house? She said she needed help to repair the door. (p. 191)
Chapter According to Tom, where were the children? The children were in town getting ice cream. (p. 193) 100. As Tom removes a box from the top of the dresser, what does Mayella do? Mayella grabs his legs. Tom jumps down. She attempts to kiss him. (p. 193)
Chapter How does Link Deas react during the trial? He stands up and says Tom is a hard-working man and he has never had a problem with him in eight years. (p. 195) 102. What does the prosecution reveal about Toms past? He was arrested years ago for disorderly conduct. (p. 196)
Chapter What does Tom say (as Mr. Gilmer questions him) that shocks the court? He says he felt sorry for Mayella. (p. 197) 104. How does Dill react to this testimony? Who helps him? He cries. Scout escorts him outside. (p. 198)
Chapter Describe the childrens experience with Mr. Raymond. Mr. Raymond appears as a drunk. He offers Dill something from his bottle. It turns out to be Coca-Cola. He has misrepresented himself because he is married to an African-American woman and has mulatto children. (p. 200)
Chapter In Atticus final remarks, he mentions three important pieces of evidence. Name them. Medical evidence, physical evidence, and the inability of the town to accept the notion that Mayella Ewell, a white woman, was infatuated with Tom Robinson. (p ) 107. Why does Calpurnia arrive at the courthouse? She is looking for the children. (p. 206)
Chapter Who points out the children in the courthouse? Mr. Underwood (p. 206) 109. What does Atticus say about the children being in the courthouse? He tells them to go home, eat supper slowly and they can return for the verdict. (p. 207)
Chapter What is the verdict of the court? Guilty (p. 211) 111. How does the balcony react as Atticus leaves the courtroom? They stand as he leaves the building. (p. 211)
Chapter How does Jem react over the decision of the court? He believes it isnt fair. He cries. (p. 212) 113. What does Mrs. Maudie say about some of the people in Maycomb? She tells Jem that some men (Atticus) are chosen to do unpleasant jobs, but there are people attempting to help. (p. 215)
Chapter Mrs. Maudie gives a sign of progress. What is it? The jury takes times to make the decision. Although they find Tom guilty, it is sign of progress. (p. 216) 115. What story does Mrs. Crawford tell the children concerning Atticus and Bob Ewell? Bob spits in Atticus face and tells him he would get him if it took the rest of his life. (p. 217)
Chapter How does Atticus react to the behavior of Bob Ewell? He is calm. He merely says he wished Tom would not chew tobacco. He does not see Bob as a threat. (p. 217) 117. Where has Tom been sent? Enfield Prison Farm in Chester County (p. 219)
Chapter When Scout asks about Tom, Atticus tells her the truth. What does he tell her? Atticus tells Scout that Tom faces the electric chair. (p. 219) 119. What truth does Atticus reveal to Jem? Atticus tells Jem that many people have been convicted in the same way as Tom Robinson. The world is often unfair. (p. 219)
Chapter Name the juror who wanted to acquit Tom Robinson. Walter Cunningham (p. 222) 121. What does Alexandra think about having the Cunninghams to the house? She says they are trash and unwelcome in the Finch home. (p. 224) 122. Jem and Scout discuss the class system in Maycomb. What do they say about Boo Radley? They say Boo stays locked away because he wants to. For the first time, the children are envious of Boo Radley. (p. 227)