Unit 2: Tectonic Process Ms. Thind
Rocks under pressure or tension fracture under strain If movement takes place along a fracture a rift is formed faulting Landforms produced by faulting: Normal Fault, Reverse or Thrust Fault, Rift Valley or Graben, and Block Mountain or Horst Faulting:
Along the line of a fault one section of rock may be forced down to create a fault scarp (fault cliff) Tension (think stretching of rock) results in a normal fault What does this look like? *take out a sheet of paper* Normal Fault
6/SolidEarth/activities/geologylab/faultingandfoldin g/earth-processes/faulting.htm
Along the line of a fracture one section of rock is pushed upward as a result of compression (pushing together) 6/SolidEarth/activities/geologylab/faultingandfoldin g/earth-processes/faulting-r.htm What does this look like? Reverse or Thrust Fault
Blocks that have been elevated on a much larger scale form mountain ranges called fault block mountains or horsts formed by tension What does this look like? Block Mountain or Horst
Faulting may cause blocks to slip down and form steep sided rift valleys called grabens caused by tension What does this look like? Rift Valley or Graben
When two tectonic plates collide the rock layers fold and squeeze together over a long period of time because of increasing pressure Upfolds are called anticlines Downfolds are called synclines Folding
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