Exam-prep jepperdee Technician-class Edition Produced by Bob Raffaele, W2XM
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T5B08 How many microfarads are 1,000,000 picofarads?
back 1 microfarad
T3B07 What property of radio waves is often used to identify the different frequency bands?
back The approximate wavelength
T2B05 What determines the amount of deviation of an FM signal?
back The amplitude of the modulating signal
T1F09 What type amateur station simultaneously retransmits the signal of another on a different channel or channels?
back Repeater station
T8A11 What is the approximate band- width required to transmit a CW signal?
back 150 Hz
T5A05 What is the electrical term for the EMF that causes electron flow?
back Voltage
T5C10 How much power is being used in a circuit if the applied voltage is 12 VDC and the current is 2.5 A?
back 30 watts
T6A04 What electrical component stores energy in an electric field?
back Capacitor
T6C07 What is component 8?
back Light emitting diode
T7A01 What is the function of a product detector?
back Detect CW and SSB signals
T3A08 What is the cause of irregular fading during times of generally good reception?
back Random combining of signals arriving via different path lengths
T3C03 What is a characteristic of VHF signals received via auroral reflection?
The signals exhibit rapid fluctuations of strength and often sound distorted. back back
T9B01 Why is it impor- tant to have a low SWR in an antenna system with coaxial cable?
back To allow the efficient transfer of power and reduce losses
T7D08 What type of solder is best for radio and electronic use?
back Rosin-core solder
T9A01 What is a beam antenna?
back An antenna that concentrates signals in one direction
T7C01 What is the primary purpose of a dummy load?
back To prevent the radiation of signals when making tests
T2B03 What is the name of the squelch system that mutes receiver audio in the absence of an RF signal?
back Carrier squelch
T4A07 How’s a computer’s sound card used in conducting digital communications using a computer?
back A sound card pro- vides audio to the mic input and converts rcvd audio to digital form
T4A08 What type of conductor is best to use for RF grounding?
back Flat strap
T6A10 What is the nominal voltage of a fully charged nickel-cadmium cell?
back 1.2 volts
T8C05 What is a grid locator?
back A letter-number designator assigned to a geographic location
T2A02 What is the national calling frequency for FM simplex operations in the 70 cm band?
back MHz
T1A11 What kind of station transmits signals over the air from a remote receive site to a repeater for retransmission?
back Auxiliary station
T4B11 What is the common meaning of the term “repeater offset”?
back The difference between the repeater’s transmit and receive frequencies
T8D04 What type of transmission is indicated by the term NTSC?
back An analog fast scan color TV signal
T1A03 Which part of the FCC rules contains the rules and regs governing the Amateur Radio Svc?
back Part 97
T1C10 How soon may you operate a transmitter after you pass the exam required for your first amateur radio license?
back As soon as your name and call sign appear in the FCC’s ULS database
T1B07 What amateur band are you using if you are transmitting on MHz?
back 1.25 meter band
T8D05 Which of the following emission modes may be used by a Technician Class operator between 219 and 220 MHz?
back Data
T8C06 For what purpose is a temporary "1 by 1" format (letter- number-letter) call sign assigned?
back For operations in conjunction with an activity of significance to the ham community
T1E03 Who must designate the station control operator?
back The station licensee
T1F03 When is an amateur station required to transmit its assigned call sign?
back At least every 10 minutes during a contact and at the end of a contact
T1F11 To which foreign stations do the FCC rules authorize the transmission of non- emergency third-party communications?
back Any station whose government permits such communications
T1F10 Who’s accountable should a repeater inadvertently retransmit commu- nications that violate the FCC rules?
back The control operator of the originating station
T1D08 When may the control operator of an amateur station receive compensation for operating the station?
back If communication is incidental to class- room instruction at an educational institution
T0A03 What is connected to the green wire in a three-wire electrical AC plug?
back Safety ground
T0C07 What could happen if a person accidentally touched your antenna while you were transmitting?
back He might receive a painful RF burn
T0B05 What is the purpose of a gin pole?
back To lift tower sections or antennas
What is the FARAD?
back The basic unit of capacitance
What is a GFCI?
back Ground-fault circuit interrupter
SEMI-FINAL JEPPERDEE Topic: history Your wager?
In what year were amateur-radio licenses first granted?
1912 To second game board
FINAL JEPPERDEE Topic: statistics Your wager?
To the nearest 100,000, How many hams are there in the US?
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