My Portfolio By Jordan
Multiple intelligence
Ecological footprint I am really happy with my results. I need to improve on my shelter. My goal is to improve on my shelter.
Buddy Don’t give out your address to any one.
My Voice The book that I read was diary of a wimpy kid
Energy This term we have been learning about types of energy like Hydro power, geothermal, solar, coal and wind power. Hydro power is water power and it is stoked in a dam until needed. Solar power is sun power. Coal comes from old plants that is under the ground. Wind power wind power is powered by a moving turbine.
Term 1 Reflection This term I enjoyed doing the information report because I have learnt different types of energy new things. I also enjoyed science works at science works I enjoyed the teleport, making the car, maths room and the future room. The challenge for me this term was getting the reading groups done because some times I have to stay in. My goal next is to finish my reading in time.
My term goal This term I achieved my goal by making new friends My goal for next term is to get my reading tasks done..