To Kill A Mockingbird Study Guide Harper Lee
Chapter 1 1. Who is the narrator? Scout 2. Who is Simon Finch and what did he establish? Simon Finch is an ancestor of Scout. He traveled across the Atlantic, up the Alabama River and settled Finch’s Landing. (p. 3-4)
Chapter 1 3. Jack Finch leaves Alabama. Where does he travel? Jack Finch leaves Alabama to study medicine in Boston. (p. 4) 4. Who stayed behind on the farm? Atticus and Jack’s sister stayed behind. Aunt Alexandra (p. 4)
Chapter 1 5. What is Atticus’s occupation? Lawyer (p. 4) 6. Who helps Atticus to raise his two children, Jem and Scout? Calpurnia (p. 6) 7. How does Jem feel when he thinks of his Mother? He is saddened. He often leaves the children while they are playing and stays behind the car house. (p. 6)
Chapter 1 8. Describe the first meeting between the Finch children and Dill. Dill appears in Mrs. Rachel’s collard patch. He professes he can read. (p. 7) 9. How does Dill suggest the children spend their time? Dill wants to spend the summer trying to get Boo Radley out of his house. (p. 8)
Chapter 1 10. Describe the myth of Boo Radley. Myth of Boo Radley: Arthur (Boo) Radley stabs father with a pair of scissors. Sheriff takes Boo and locks him in basement of courthouse. Mr. Radley does not want his son in an asylum, so he locks him in Radley house. Radley house is overgrown, the roof sags, shutters and doors remained closed, paint has faded. After a while Maycomb blames Boo for anything mysterious: dead animals, frozen azaleas, poison pecans. (p. 8-10)
Chapter 1 11. Who takes care of Boo? His brother, Mr. Nathan Radley (p. 11) 12. What does Dill dare Jem to do? Dill dares Jem to touch the Radley house. (p. 13) 13. What do the children believe they see from the house? The children believe they see an inside shutter move. (p. 15)
Chapter 2 14. How does Miss Caroline treat Scout on her first day of school? She dislikes that she can already read. (p. 17) 15. What does Miss Caroline offer Walter Cunningham? A quarter for lunch. (p. 19)
Chapter 2 16. How does Miss Caroline react when Scout talks about Walter being poor? She thinks it’s an insult towards Walter. She punishes Scout. (p. 20) 17. Describe the Cunningham family. The Cunningham family are hard workers. They are poor and accept no charity. They pay Atticus for legal advice with hickory nuts and turnip greens. (p. 20)
Chapter 3 18. On her first day of school, what happens to Scout? She fights with Walter Cunningham. (p. 22) 19. Jem breaks up the fight. What does he do to Walter? Jem invites Walter to lunch at his house. (p. 23)
Chapter 3 20. At the table, what does Walter want? Why? Molasses. It’s sweet and he doesn’t have it at home. (p. 24) 21. How does Calpurnia discipline Scout? She tells Scout she should be more hospitable because Walter is her guest. (p. 24)
Chapter 3 22. What is known about Burris Ewell? The Ewell family? Burris has bugs in his hair. He is rude to Mrs. Caroline. The Ewell family has the reputation of being extremely poor and disrespectful. (p. 26) 23. Why does Atticus say Scout must attend school? The law says she must. (p. 29)
Chapter 4 24. What is the first thing Scout finds in the Radley tree? Gum (p. 33) 25. How does Jem react to Scout’s findings? He makes her spit out the gum. (p. 33) 26. What do the children find in the tree on the last day of school? Two Indian Head pennies (p. 34)
Chapter 4 27. What happens to Scout in the tire? She rolls into the Radley yard. (p. 37) 28. What do the children think they hear from the Radley house? Laughter (p. 41)
Chapter 4 29. Describe the Boo Radley game. The children reenact the stories they have heard of Boo Radley. (p. 38) 30. Why do Jem and Scout lie to Atticus? They lie so they will not be punished for playing the Boo Radley game. (p. 40)
Chapter 5 31. Why does Scout feel left out? Who does she talk with? Dill and Jem become closer. She talks with Mrs. Maudie. (p. 41) 32. What does Mrs. Maudie tell Scout about Boo Radley? Mrs. Maudie tells Scout Boo is alive and when he was young he was gentle and polite. (p. 43)
Chapter 5 33. How do Jem and Dill attempt to invite Boo Radley out for ice cream? They want to use a fishing pole to throw a note inside the Radley house. (p. 46) 34. Who catches them? Atticus (p. 48)
Chapter 6 35. On Dill’s last day, what do the children attempt to do? They sneak into the Radley back yard to catch a glimpse of Boo Radley. (p. 51) 36. What do the children see once they reach the back porch? They see a large shadow. (p. 53) 37. What does Jem lose as he tries to escape the Radley yard? His pants. (p. 53)
Chapter 6 38. What does Mrs. Stephanie Crawford tell the children? She tells them Mr. Nathan Radley is waiting with his gun for anyone who comes into his yard. (p. 54) 39. When Atticus notices Jem in not wearing pants, what does Jem say? He tells his father they were playing strip poker. (p. 54)