Lesson 2 – Editing a Document Microsoft Word
Learning Goals The goal of this lesson is for the students to successfully open, navigate, and modify a document. The student will save the document, with a new name or in a different format, and properly organize a storage location for future reference.
Learning Objectives On completion of this lesson, students will be able to do the following: – Open a file. – Navigate through a document. – Scroll through text. – Insert text in a document. – Select text. – Edit a document by deleting and restoring text. – Create a folder. – Save a file with a different name.
Open an Existing File Using the File tab Using the File tab and select from Recent documents Open a file directly from My Computer
The New Folder Button Allows you to create a new folder in the current folder.
The Look-In List An easy way to navigate to various folders to find a document..
The Change View Button Lets the user change the way files are listed. Includes the options:
“Files of Type” button Allows you to only see files of a certain type. **Remember that you can scroll!
“Tools” Button Quickly allows you to perform common commands on a file.
Keyboard Shortcut Use any of the following to open files: – Open an existing file — CTRL+O or – Open an existing file — CTRL+F12 or – Open an existing file — CTRL+ALT+F2
Navigating Through a Document Scroll Box Scroll Buttons Horizontal Scroll Bar Scrolling doesn’t change the location of the cursor!
Page Up and Page Down Keys Used to quickly move up a page or down a page in a document.
Arrow Keys Used to jump one character to the left or right or one row up or down.
Navigating Through a Document Home – Move to the beginning of the current line End – Move to the end of the current line Home+CTRL – Move to the top of a document End+CTRL – Move to the end of a document CTRL + UP ARROW – Move insertion point to beginning of previous paragraph CTRL + DOWN ARROW – Move the insertion point to beginning of next paragraph Shift+F5 to return to the last location visited.
Inserting Text in a Document Overtype mode – Deletes all text to the right of the cursor as you type – Use Insert key to remove Overtype Why do you think Insert mode is the default instead of Overtype? My words keep eating my other words!!!
Selecting Text Press and Drag (single character) Double click (entire word) Triple click (entire paragraph) CTRL (scattered areas) Alt (vertical areas) Shift (large or small areas) Shift + down or up arrow (lines of text) Deselecting
Deleting and Restoring Text Both are found on the Quick Access Toolbar Undo Redo
Saving with a Different Format Use the SAVE AS dropdown list Assigning a new name preserves the original file and also creates a new version of the file.
Saving in Different File Formats To save a file so that it can be used with an earlier version of Word, save it as a “Word Document”. To save a file in a format that can be opened in the widest variety of programs, use one of the following- – Rich Text Format (*.rtf) This preserves the document’s formatting. – Plain Text (*.txt) This preserves only the text.
PDF and XPS If you want people to be able to view a document, but not change it, you can save the document in one of two formats: – PDF (*.pdf) This format is preferred by commercial printing facilities. You should also use this format if you know that recipients have a PDF reader, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, installed on their computer. – XPS (*.xps) This format precisely renders all fonts, images, and colors on recipients’ computers.
PDF and XPS, cont. Both are designed to deliver documents that are electronic representations of how they will look when printed. Text and graphics are static and not easily edited so these formats are ideal for legal documents. The files are no longer Word documents so they can’t be edited in Word.
Creating and Editing Web Documents Anyone can easily create a Web page in Word View the page in Web Layout view and make necessary changes Save the file as a Web page. Word will insert HTML code (tags) so that web browsers will know how to format your document.
Creating and Editing Web Documents You can save a document as a Web page in any of three formats: – Web Page This format saves the Web page as a.htm file with a folder of supporting files that ensure the page is rendered exactly as you want it. – Single File Web Page This format embeds all the information necessary to render the Web page in one file. – Web Page, Filtered This format removes any Office- specific tags from the file and significantly reduces the size of the Web document and its accompanying folder of supporting files. However, it can also radically change the look of the document.
Creating and Publishing Blog Posts A blog consists of posts that can include text, images, and links to related blogs, Web pages, and other media. Blogs used to be personal Web sites—online spaces where individuals expressed their opinions about anything and everything.