Susan B. Brown, Ph.D. Department of Special Education Kennesaw State University Getting Back on Track: Strategies for Improving Academic Performance
Parent Role Meet basic needs (food, clothing, shelter) Nurture child Address developmental needs Teach child survival skills Socialize child into society Provide structure Advocate for child
Choices Prioritize Nurturing Health Socialize Discipline Education
Causes of Poor School Performance Inappropriate expectations Mismatch in teacher/learner styles Poor organizational skills Learning disability Emotional issues Lack of motivation
Parent-Teacher Communication Strategies Focus – What is purpose of communication? Organization – Prioritize items to address Positive – Start with positive – phrase concerns in positive terms Ownership – Shared concern and responsibility for student success Goals – set tasks to be completed and timeline Summarize – end with summary of main points
Parent – Child Strategies Relate learning to real life situations Keep child actively involved in learning Make learning fun Provide structured time & place for homework Model organizational skills and time management skills Be prepared – stock appropriate materials, resources Document time spent on homework Nurture – but allow natural consequences