QUEBEC 2014 MAY 4-10
PURPOSE Gives students a genuine opportunity to put use their French conversational skills in a real context. Provides understanding of Quebec culture through a variety of learning experiences. Provides a blend of educational, cultural and physical activities. Interactive, hands-on Nature and Culture program.
PURPOSE (continued) Develop specific skills as a traveler. Become more responsible and independent. Experience the rich and stimulating dimensions of group living.
May 4- May
CHAPERONES Mme M. Burdock M. K. Tao Mme N. Van Sickle And the program monitors (3 depending on size of group)
DESTINATION L’Auberge-du-Mont Education Centre Mont-Saint-Sacrement Secondary School Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier at the foothills of the Laurentian mountains 30 minutes from Quebec City /eng/youth_programs/french_im mersion/ /eng/youth_programs/french_im mersion/
INTINERARY Flight Vancouver-Montreal (Sunday May 4 th ) Auberge bus from Montreal airport to Valcartier Quebec City and surrounding areas Montreal Flight Montreal-Vancouver (Saturday May 10 th )
QUEBEC AREA Observatoire Capitale National Assembly Odyssée Canada Musée de la Civilisation Basilique Ste-Anne Sugar Bush Montmorency Falls
QUEBEC (continued) Old Quebec Wendake (Huron Village) Cirque de Quebec
NATURE ACTIVITIES Various outdoors activities Hike in park Survival Skills Shelter Building Campfire Astronomy Local Fauna/Flora
Evening with our Pen-Palls
AUBERGE ACTIVITIES Quebec cultural workshops Gym games ( 2 gyms/climbing wall) Computer lab for (2-3 evenings) Movie Night Cultural evening with pen-pals Grand Salon activities
CULTURE - MONTREAL Guided tour of Montreal Centre des Sciences Musée Pointe-a-Callière Biodôme Cabaret du Roy aspx aspx
EXPECTATIONS Must speak French at all times/want to take part Must follow rules of Auberge Must wear Name Tags at all times off campus Cell phones not allowed on trip Maple Creek Behaviour expectations applies Ambassadors representing their school, community and province
ESTIMATED COST APPROXIMATELY: $1, THIS INCLUDES: Return flight (Vancouver- Montreal-Vancouver) Return bus trip (Montreal- Valcartier-Montreal) All field trips Meals (except 3) Accommodation at Auberge One night at Montreal hotel
INTERESTED Deposit $ Due June 14 th, 2013 To secure placement Non refundable
PAYMENT SCHEDULE First payment - November 5, 2013 Second payment - February 4, 2014 Third payment- April 8, 2014