To be able to create a new web site in hours, and then be able to change it whenever you want, place your order with take2theweb. Then you will be able to go to: and log in with your User ID and password:
Your browser window will show your virgin site, with some default page navigation ‘buttons’. The first page is selected here (in bold). Click a page to select it, then click ‘edit page’.
The window will change to the ‘page editor’. You can type in a heading, navigation button label, and search engine keywords in the boxes provided. The default Page Layout is ‘single article’. We will use this one to see how all the Layouts work.
Most of the Page Layouts are made up of ‘Articles’ placed on the page in different arrays and patterns. Each Article contains the facilities shown here. You can type directly into any text box, or you can ‘copy & paste’ text from any document (eg. ‘MS Word’). The Project The Project started in April, and has a staff of experienced and enthusiastic workers dedicated to achieving the aims of the project within the lifetime of the project. Our technical experts are ensuring that reliable
To put a picture on the page, simply click the ‘Browse’ button. A window opens to view your hard disc or network. Click through your directories to find the image file (of any kind: jpg, gif, bmp, etc.) that you want to use. When you find the file, click to highlight and then click ‘open’.
It’s easy to place the picture and the text where you want on the page. Simply click each of the pull-down menus and select the option you want.
You can choose to shrink your image, using the menu, or you can leave it the size it is.
If you want take2theweb to add a border of some kind, choose from the menu.
You can type in a caption to sit under the image, and set the justification of the text.
Now we have typed in labels, pasted in a paragraph, browsed for a picture, and set the options that control where the picture and text will appear, we can click ‘save & view’ to see what the finished web page will look like.
And here is the newly created page. Check that everything is as you intended. If it needs changing, click ‘edit page’, make the changes, then click ‘save & view’ again to check the result. If it’s ok, then you can publish it for the world to see: click ‘edit page’ and...
Click the ‘Publish Page’ box to insert a tick. That’s all it takes to publish the page. To see what the public can now see, click ‘save & view’ to save the change, and then click ‘my site’. A new browser window will open using the web site address the public will use.
And here is the new web site, as now seen by anybody going to your web address. It’s only one page big as yet, but it only took about five minutes, and you can soon add more pages and more sections!
You can set text styles, colours, sizes and justifications in the Style Editor. Then scroll the Editor screen down to the next section to be able to...
… insert any graphics you want, or set any colour, as a logo, a title banner, backgrounds to the navigation menu area or the screen as a whole, and a footer banner. All these will appear automatically on every screen you create.
You can control the navigation system images and colours, and choose where to place the navigation buttons on the screen:
No wonder that such a vast range of web sites have been created using take2theweb:
They are all unique, each exactly as the organisation wanted:
Your web site could be working for you in days, not the months it would take using any other way to create it.
And because you keep control, you and your colleagues can easily change anything, at any time, whenever you want - and you can do it from any computer, anywhere in the world!
So call us now, and subscribe. You will have your ID and password in minutes, and your web site will soon be working hard for you and your organisation.