Writing the Sophomore Research Paper
Details to remember Length 4-6 pgs means minimum = 4 FULL PAGES Word count: MINIMUM 1400 Font Times New Roman Margins 1-inch Heading, page numbers, etc.: MLA format
Sources, Citations, Works Cited CITE EVERYTHING THAT’S NOT YOUR OWN If you just cite the last sentence of a sequence of facts, we cannot assume which sentences/facts go with which citations Make sure Works Cited is properly formatted Sources must be academic and reliable
Direct Quotes vs. Paraphrase If you are using the source’s words, you need: QUOTATION MARKS CITATION If you are paraphrasing a source’s idea, you need: CITATION
Paraphrasing IS Expressing another’s ideas using your own words
Paraphrasing IS NOT Using “mostly” your own words but keeping the source’s phrasing See example:
Any plagiarism = 0 points
In-Text Citations From book or journal: (Author #) no comma From an electronic work without an author: (First part of title) Essentially, citation needs to contain sufficient info for reader to find the source on Works Cited pg
Analysis Problem: Using hypothetical situations or speculation as analysis “Germany would never have unified if Bismarck hadn’t used his Machiavellian strategies.” “Mussolini was the schoolyard bully who pushed everyone around and demanded lunch money. Schoolyard bullies never succeed, but Mussolini did.”
Organization Problem: BTS 1: Superman is the greatest of all superheroes. BTS 2: In addition, Godzilla is a famous villain.
Organization Body paragraphs need to relate TO EACH OTHER in addition to relating to the thesis Transition words not enough to connect body paragraphs of very different topics
Organization Problem: 3 body paragraphs for a 4-6 pg research paper Related problem: List as thesis
Organization A research paper ≠ 5-paragr. essay Paragraphs must build on each other to create a complete argument. Paragraphs must develop an idea cramming several ideas into 1 paragraph is not effective 3 separate “main points” not helpful
Analogy: Art You are a young student. Your teacher asks you to draw a house. You create this:
Analogy: Art, continued You are now a high school art student. Your teacher asks you to draw a house. Do you create the same drawing? Or do you create something like this?
Analogy to Writing Similar basic structure (house, essay) More advanced students expected to build on basic structure and move toward more sophisticated work: add detail add perspective develop interpretation