Geography The places that we go The children will discuss their own experiences of holiday destinations. They will think about the similarities and differences between places in the UK and abroad and will use the atlas to find different locations. Geography The places that we go The children will discuss their own experiences of holiday destinations. They will think about the similarities and differences between places in the UK and abroad and will use the atlas to find different locations. Science Variation In this topic the children will investigate the similarities and differences between humans, animals and plants. They will learn to sort and classify data according to specific criteria and will collect evidence by making observations during an investigation. Science Variation In this topic the children will investigate the similarities and differences between humans, animals and plants. They will learn to sort and classify data according to specific criteria and will collect evidence by making observations during an investigation. PE Ball Skills/ Gym In outdoor PE the children will be developing their understanding of tactics and dribbling in football and hockey. In gym, the children will be exploring simple actions with control and coordination through spinning, twisting and turning. Please ensure your child brings the correct and named PE kit every Monday morning for the week ahead PE Ball Skills/ Gym In outdoor PE the children will be developing their understanding of tactics and dribbling in football and hockey. In gym, the children will be exploring simple actions with control and coordination through spinning, twisting and turning. Please ensure your child brings the correct and named PE kit every Monday morning for the week ahead Art/DT Playground Structures The children will observe the structures and equipment of different playgrounds. They will have the opportunity to draw and design their own personal playground paying attention to size and detail. They will make their own model using a range of different materials. Art/DT Playground Structures The children will observe the structures and equipment of different playgrounds. They will have the opportunity to draw and design their own personal playground paying attention to size and detail. They will make their own model using a range of different materials. RE Baptism In RE, the children will learn the significance of Baptism and the symbolism behind the celebration. They will reflect and consider their own religious/ spiritual feelings and experiences and will understand the meanings of religious symbols and words related to Baptism. RE Baptism In RE, the children will learn the significance of Baptism and the symbolism behind the celebration. They will reflect and consider their own religious/ spiritual feelings and experiences and will understand the meanings of religious symbols and words related to Baptism. Numeracy The children will continue to develop their knowledge of addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. They will describe patterns and relationships with numbers and shapes and further develop their understanding of money and time. They will extend their understanding of measurement and data collection. Numeracy The children will continue to develop their knowledge of addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. They will describe patterns and relationships with numbers and shapes and further develop their understanding of money and time. They will extend their understanding of measurement and data collection. PHSE Relationships In this topic the children will discuss different emotions and feelings. They will share their opinions on important people in their lives and will learn to recognise, name and deal with their feelings in a positive way. PHSE Relationships In this topic the children will discuss different emotions and feelings. They will share their opinions on important people in their lives and will learn to recognise, name and deal with their feelings in a positive way. Music- Rhythm and Pitch The children will develop their music skills by understanding the differences between rhythm and pitch. They will practise identifying different rhythms and pitch by singing songs and using percussion. ICT- We are Astronauts In this topic the children will develop their understanding and use of programmable toys. They will have the opportunity to develop their own ideas and program their own devices. Music- Rhythm and Pitch The children will develop their music skills by understanding the differences between rhythm and pitch. They will practise identifying different rhythms and pitch by singing songs and using percussion. ICT- We are Astronauts In this topic the children will develop their understanding and use of programmable toys. They will have the opportunity to develop their own ideas and program their own devices. Literacy The children will continue to look at different genres including non- chronological reports and recounts. They will develop their skills to make their writing more creative and interesting. (Eg. connectives, adjectives, different sentence starters). They will continue to work on punctuation and will develop their speaking and listening skills through poetry. Literacy The children will continue to look at different genres including non- chronological reports and recounts. They will develop their skills to make their writing more creative and interesting. (Eg. connectives, adjectives, different sentence starters). They will continue to work on punctuation and will develop their speaking and listening skills through poetry. Cathedral Primary School Summer Year 2