Welcome to the Fourth Grade!
Every effort will be made to respond to each student’s learning strengths and weaknesses. Various assessments, learning profiles, and interest surveys will be used to challenge and modify each child’s learning style. Differentiating Instruction
Homework and Project Expectations Homework is assigned Monday through Thursday. Two or three subjects may be assigned. It should take approximately minutes to complete the tasks. The work pace for students varies. If this task becomes too stressful and is taking much longer than stated, please be in touch with me. Project work is to be completed within the classroom. All projects are worked on during the school day.
Organization and Time Management This will be a major focus and concentration throughout the year. Students are to keep all materials in their file folders and are expected to produce those materials when needed. Managing time so as to meet assigned deadlines will also be expected.
Write it Down! All students have received an agenda. Each day we write down each assignment in this book. We do this as a class activity. Students need to READ their agendas each night so that they are able to complete their homework.
MCAS Testing Students are tested in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics this year. Testing begins in March and May. Dates will be given out soon.
Pen Pal Program We are fortunate to be able to participate in a year long writing project with our Senior Citizen friends of Mendon. Students will write one letter a month, and in return, receive one letter a month, from their pen pal. Each fourth grader will select a “pen name”. In May we will meet for lunch and reveal our true identities.
Reading The students will: read a variety of novels from all of the literary genres. practice the art of selecting “good fit” books. continue to learn multiple comprehension strategies. work on fluency and accuracy during their reading blocks. become more proficient readers. English Language Arts
Writing Students will learn to write narratives, persuasive, expository, descriptive, and poetic pieces. They will learn how to answer open ended questions. They will practice writing five paragraph essays. They will prepare for MCAS writing prompts.
Math The four basic operations Memorization of all multiplication facts. Problem solving Data collection and graphing Fractions Geometry MCAS preparation
Social Studies Reading and interpreting different types of maps. Regions, states and capitals The major physical features of the United States. Monuments and buildings of Washington D.C. Immigration
Science Characteristics of Plants World Biomes and Ecosystems Animal life and adaptations
Response to intervention (RTI) This time block is reserved once a week for small group instruction in order to address skill deficits or enhance skill development. All students will have the opportunity to work with me during a 40 minute block throughout the year. The purpose is to intervene before problems become too great. For those students who do not experience skill difficulty, we will work on enrichment activities. Library or “Skill Center” Students will also make better time of this 40 minute block once a week to spend some time on skill practice or work with our academic tutors. Approximately 15 minutes for all students will be dedicated to skills within our curriculum that need practice.
My Web Page Visit the Clough Home Page. It can be found by clicking on “Clough” once you visit Click on “Teacher Web Pages” on the left hand menu bar. Select “Mrs. McDonough”Mrs. McDonough
Celebrations! At various times throughout the year, our room mother will or call you for assistance. Simple birthday snacks may be sent in.
Home and School Communication Please make sure you leave your address. This is usually the fastest way to get in touch. Should a problem arise or an issue occur, I will contact you, as soon as possible so that we can work it out. The best way to reach me is by .