Into Film Language 19 th Century Novels on Film 8: Themes
What is the novel really about? Themes 19 th century novelsThemes
Useful vocabulary Still Imagery Theme Symbolism Iconography Film terms including camera shots 19 th century novelsThemes
Think of a film you have seen recently. Write a five-word sentence: This film is about _______________. Now add an 'and how’ bit. Use up to 12 words. This film is about _______________ and how ________________________________. Now try this with A Christmas Carol. A Christmas Carol is about ____________ and how _______________________________. Title of task 19 th century novelsThemes
19 th century novelsThemes This still is provided under the fair dealing provisions of the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988 for the purpose of criticism and review only. How is the theme of the film revealed in this still? Look at the following stills on the next two slides and discuss what they reveal about the themes in the text?
19 th century novelsEmotions These stills are provided under the fair dealing provisions of the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988 for the purpose of criticism and review only.
19 th century novelsEmotions These stills are provided under the fair dealing provisions of the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988 for the purpose of criticism and review only.
‘A Christmas Carol,’ 1999/Turner Network Television/Sparrowhawk Distribution/David Hugh Jones Credits 19 th century novelsThemes