Unit 3 Part 2 (January 2014) Mrs. Gehrt
Monday 1/6/14 & Tuesday 1/7/14 Snow Days: No School
Wednesday 1/8/14 Activities Review of classroom expectations Preview of the Book Fair Independent Reading Objective Students will… Read and analyze the text Summarize what they read in their Reading Log
Thursday 1/9/14 Activities Antigone: Review – Alphaboxes – Literary Elements Scavenger Hunt Objective Students will… Summarize the events of the play Transfer information into their own words
Literary Elements 1.Mood: The mood or feeling of a certain point in the play 2.Figurative Language: Word or phrase that describes one thing in terms of another and that is not meant to be understood on a literal level. Simile: My heart is like a singing bird. Metaphor: Life is but a walking shadow. Personification: Death had reared himself a throne. 3.Symbolism: Person, place, thing, or event that stands for both itself and for something beyond itself. 4.Theme: The central idea or insight revealed by a work of literature. 5.Irony: Contrast between expectation and reality. Verbal Irony: saying one thing and meaning the opposite. Situational Irony: what actually happens is the opposite of what is expected. Dramatic Irony: when the reader knows something that a character does not know.
Friday 1/10/14 Activities Scene 3 & Ode 3 Words to Own (packet page 14) Match each word to own with its correct etymology Graphic Organizer (packet page 17) Figurative Language: Write a sentence or two describing each character with a figurative comparison. Objective Students will… Read and analyze the play Analyze elements of drama Understand and use figurative language