11 October 2015 MAVIS v “Sneak Preview”
11 October 2015 Enhancements in the Release Reference Material Brief Accessioning View Template Enhancements Rights Phase 2 Digital Video Phase 1 Digital Images Phase 2 – TIFF ingest Digital Component enhancements
11 October 2015 Enhancements in the Release Movement enhancements Orders enhancements Various report changes Miscellaneous Uppercasing of titles no longer mandatory Language Role at Title level Acquisition tab in Collection Additional attributes for Subjects Statement of Responsibility field
11 October 2015 Reference Material Digital material related to collection items but not to be accessioned as part of the collection e.g. a thumbnail of a publicity still an image of a record label a short sound sample a rights contract a photo of an actor a spreadsheet of technical preservation data a website for a band
11 October 2015 Reference Material In this phase, Reference Material can only be linked to a Component NB: doesn’t have to be a digital Component Ref Material is indicated and is “runnable” from both the Title and Component level. Thumbnail images are displayed directly where possible – searching aid
11 October 2015 Reference Material Demo
11 October 2015 “Brief” Accessioning View LC requested a new view, primarily for data entry, with minimal tabs, scrolling and opening of new windows Some interesting features: Use of editable lists Simplified credits list Components can be added via New, New from Template and Drag-and-Drop cloning
11 October 2015 Brief Accessioning View Demo
11 October 2015 Template Enhancements Can now have multiple templates for a given format or work type i.e. multiple Nitrate component templates, or multiple Moving Image cover templates. Ability to name templates Ability to ‘Save As’ templates Template windows now distinguished by a different colour toolbar
11 October 2015 Rights Phase 2 Ability to add a Rights Permission from the Rights tab of a component Rights List window becomes a Rights Permission List window Rights detail window now a single tab – Rights Permissions are displayed within the window
11 October 2015 Digital Video Phase 1 Definition of fields required to describe digital video components
11 October 2015 Digital Images Phase 2 – TIFF ingest Ingest 1 or more TIFF file(s) into MAVIS, automatically creating a digital component and file (carrier) record(s) using the available metadata Metadata will be ingested from an accompanying XML file in (extended) MIX format Included in the metadata file will be sufficient data about the source component so that MAVIS can attach the new component to the correct title and set the Copy History.
11 October 2015 Digital Component enhancements New field called File Format Variant to further qualify File Format e.g to distinguish between MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG7 and MPEG21 files Associate a Resource Identifier Prefix with a Resource Identifier Type – association to be stored in the mavis.ini file. The prefix is pre-pended to the Resource Identifier value whenever a Run or Get operation is done Similarly for a Resource Identifier Suffix Enable Run File function for Segments (run entire component)
11 October 2015 Report changes Acquisition Statistics Acquisitions Awaiting Accessioning report Title Validation
11 October 2015 Miscellaneous changes Uppercasing of titles no longer mandatory Library of Congress and National Library of Norway only Not retrospective Language Role at Title level Identical functionality to what is currently available at the Component level Implemented as an editable list
11 October 2015 Miscellaneous changes Additional attributes for Subjects Classification Number and Classification System Statement of Responsibility field National Library of Norway only Directly beneath the Title field