What Possessed You?
What are nouns? A noun is a part of speech that describes a person, place, or thing.
What is a possessive noun? A possessive noun is a noun that "owns" something else in the sentence.
For example: The airplane's engine was loud. The airplane "owns" the engine. Possessive nouns are often shown with apostrophes.
Can you make this sentence possessive? Miguel owns that car.
Answer : 's That is Miguel's car.
Remember: When there is use of a possessive, the question "Who owns it?" can be asked and answered. Mine!
Which answer best fits in the blank? ____________ bicycle is broken. A.Seths' B.Sethes C.Seths D.Seth's
Which answer best fits in the blank? ____________ bicycle is broken. A.Seths' B.Sethes C.Seths D.Seth's
Do not confuse possessive words with plural words ! Black’s Possessive words show ownership. The Black’s dollhouse is small. Plural words show more than one. Those girls are friendly.
Which answer best fits in the blank? The trash can will attract a lot of ____________ if you leave the lid off. A.flys B.flies C.flie's D.fly's
Which answer best fits in the blank? The trash can will attract a lot of ____________ if you leave the lid off. A.flys flies B. flies C.flie's D.fly's
Which answer best fits in the blank? The ____________________ skin is red. A.tomatoes B.tomato's C.tomatos' D.tomatos's
Which answer best fits in the blank? The ____________________ skin is red. A.tomatoes tomato's B. tomato's C.tomatos' D.tomatos's
Which answer best fits in the blank? The desert is home to many kinds of _______________. A.animal B.animals C.animal's D.animals'
Which answer best fits in the blank? The desert is home to many kinds of _______________. A.animal animals B. animals C.animal's D.animals'
Which answer best fits in the blank? Kendra has two hamsters named Fuzzy and Furry. The ____________________ cage looks like a tiny house. A.hamsters' B.hamsters C.hamster's D.hamsterers
Which answer best fits in the blank? Kendra has two hamsters named Fuzzy and Furry. The ____________________ cage looks like a tiny house. hamsters' A. hamsters' B.hamsters C.hamster's D.hamsterers
Which answer best fits in the blank? Billy will carry his ____________ suitcase. A.sister's B.sisters C.sisteres D.sister'
Which answer best fits in the blank? Billy will carry his ____________ suitcase. sister's A. sister's B.sisters C.sisteres D.sister'
Which answer best fits in the blank? I borrowed ___________ sweater. A.Jane's B.Janes C.Jane D.Janes'
Which answer best fits in the blank? I borrowed _________ sweater. Jane's A. Jane's B.Janes C.Jane D.Janes' I am Jane and this is my sweater.
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