Differences SimilaritiesDifferences
Step #1 Fill in the two larger center bubbles with your topics being COMPARED and CONTRASTED. You can use a word, picture or symbol to represent the topic or concept.
Federal Government State Government Differences SimilaritiesDifferences
Step #2 Have the students discuss and fill-in how the two topics are similar. You can do the differences first it’s your preference. In the following slide I’ve compared the two topics, showing how they are similar.
Federal Government State Government Collect Taxes Regulates Banks Punish Criminals Differences SimilaritiesDifferences
Step #3 Have the students discuss and fill-in how the two topics are different. Depending upon what you started with, the students’ next step could be discussing the similarities. In the following slide I’ve contrasted the two topics, showing how they are different.
Federal Government Regulates Corps. Sets up schools Establish Local Gov. Establish Postal System Maintains Military Protects Copyrights State Government Collect Taxes Regulates Banks Punish Criminals Differences SimilaritiesDifferences
Step #4 The outer rectangle is called the Frame of Reference. This encourages more reflective thinking on the topic. This is the opportunity to go into greater depth. The students are thinking about their thinking!
Step # 4 Suggestions Listed below are some sample questions that could be asked in the Frame of Ref: – How do you know these similarities and differences? –How does this information relate to the standard and objective? –What have you learned by constructing this map? –Why are these similarities and differences important to know?
What have you learned by constructing this map? Federal Government Regulates Corps. Sets up schools Establish Local Gov. Establish Postal System Maintains Military Protects Copyrights State Government Collect Taxes Regulates Banks Punish Criminals Differences SimilaritiesDifferences
Step #4 Have the students respond to the Frame of Reference (question or idea) within the rectangular outline. This is also a nice opportunity to have them share and discuss how they would answer the question(s)?
I have learned that the state and federal governments share similar responsibilities. These responsibilities are vital to the success of our country Federal Government Regulates Corps. Sets up schools Establish Local Gov. Establish Postal System Maintains Military Protects Copyrights State Government Collect Taxes Regulates Banks Punish Criminals Differences SimilaritiesDifferences