Unit Three Work in America The Third Two Periods Designed by Sun Yanmin
Teaching procedure 1.ConsolidationConsolidation 2. Language application. Language application 3. Drills for PRETCO Test Unit Three Work in America
Consolidation 1.dictation 2.Words and phrases Unit Three Work in America
Language Application 1.Practical writing 2.Practical reading Unit Three Work in America
Practical Writing --- Contracts or Agreements 1.SampleSample 2.Notes of Format 3.Do It Yourself Unit Three Work in America
Directions: Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. Patriotism Children in America today do not seem to understand what work means. Only ago, when fathers did traditional jobs like fixing or making things, children could easily understand what work was from their fathers’ of their jobs. But now they work since their fathers have jobs like market research, public relations, systems analysis, etc., and find it almost impossible to explain the jobs to their children. Even grown men cannot understand one another’s work, its complex nature. Unit Three Work in America
Machines have men to make things and driven most of them to offices for work. Since things made by machines can easily and become waste as the repairs are very, very expensive, the few fathers____________ the machines could only tell their children that they make junk. On the other hand, most fathers working in offices are busily engaged in, which very often ____________ their children. Unit Three Work in America
Words and Phrases Directions: Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the words given in parentheses. 1.Water samples taken from streams were (analyst) for contamination by chemicals. 2.There is a growing (tend) to regard money more highly than quality of life. 3.Science is now enabling us to make more_________ (information) choices about how we use common drugs. Unit Three Work in America
4.The writing ability of some of the students was so poor that their essays were almost ______________ (comprehension). 5. And then, the band suddenly stopped playing, which is completely________ (mystery) to the audience. 6.American economists have made important _____________ (contribute) to the field of financial and corporate economics. 7.The (eminence) pianist Martino Tirimo gives the first of seven concerts here between now and July in which he performs all of Beethoven's piano sonatas. Unit Three Work in America
8.Canon worked with the Bank of England to find colors for the new £5 note that the copier supposedly cannot _________ (reproduction). 9.Though over six feet tall, he was small by _______ (compare) with his teammates on the basketball team. 10.That's a marvelous description, Mrs Drummond. You're unusually (observe). Unit Three Work in America
Words and Phrases Directions: Fill in the blanks with words and phrases chosen from the following box. Change the forms where necessary. call for wear out utterly dispirited discard envision mystify fall apart make a living come to grips with 1.But for every high there are always one or two lows and I have learned to that fact during my career. 2.There was something strange in her attitude which me. Unit Three Work in America
3. The bricklayer at the top of the scaffold _____ more mortar. 4.These books are turning yellow, brittle and literally _____ 5. One woman said she felt so alone and isolated that even her sister, with whom she had shared the greatest intimacy over the years, couldn't help. Unit Three Work in America
CONTRACT CONTRACT NO. SIGNING DATE/PLACE THE BUYER: Name Legal Address Contract THE SELLER: Name Legal Address Contract This contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller. Whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: Unit Three Work in America
Sample 1 1. NAME OF COMMODITY AND SCOPE OF THE CONTRACT 2. PRICE 3. PAYMENT 4. PACKING IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this contract has been executed effective as of the date first above written. THE BUYER THE SELLER __________ ____________ BY: ___________ BY: ____________ Date: _________ Date: ___________ THE END USER ____________ BY: _________ Date:________ Unit Three Work in America
SALES CONFIRMATIO To Messrs ________ Date:______ Signed at: _______ Our Letters/Cables/Reference: Your Letters/Cables/Reference: Dear Sirs, We hereby confirm having sold to you on this date _______ the following goods on terms and conditions as set forth below: Sample 2 Unit Three Work in America
Notes of Format a) 涉外经济合同( contract )或协议( agreement )的结 构包括前言、正文和 最后条款三部分。前言中明确当事人名称、法定地址、 缔约目的和原则;正文 明确双方当事人的权利和义务、违约赔偿、不可抗力、 争议解决、适用法律等 条款;最后条款明确合同的效力范围、有效条件、未尽 事宜、双方代表签字等。 Unit Three Work in America
b) 英文合同和协议中的英语具有以下特点: 行文缜密准确,历史悠久,深含法律文化底蕴。 用词考究,有特定性,要求选词专业化 (professional) 、正 式 (formal) 、准确 (accurate) 。 句子结构较复杂。用词变化大,多出现短语、从句的插入。 结构紧凑,多用短语代替从句,多用被动语态和否定提前。 具有预见性,多用 “ 应当做( shall do ) ” , “ 可以做( may do ) ” , “ 必须做 ( must do ) ” , “ 不得做( may not do/shall not do ) ” 。 Unit Three Work in America
c) 英文合同中常用虚词: notwithstanding (尽管); foregoing (前述的); subject to (依据); in accordance with/as provided in (根据); prior to (在 … 之前); hereof, hereto, herein, hereby, hereinafter 于此); thereof (由此); forthwith (立刻); hereunder (在下文)。 d ) 英文合同中常用实词 : provide , stipulate , prescribe , describe , set forth ( 规定 ); represent , warrant , undertake , guarantee ( 保证 ); chapter , article/section/clause , paragraph , subparagraph ( 章,条,款 ,项 ); sanction , approval ( 批准 )。 Unit Three Work in America
Basic patterns 1. ______ (hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer”) as one party and _____ (hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”) as the other party agree to sign by their authorized representatives, as a result of friendly negotiation, the present Contract under the following terms and conditions. 本合同以 _____ 为一方(以下称 “ 买方 ” ),以 ______ 为 另一方(以下称 “ 卖方 ” ),由双方授权代表通过友好谈 判,同意按下列条款签订。 Unit Three Work in America
2. Payment for the goods specified herein shall not mean an acceptance thereof by the Buyer with regard to its quality. All goods shall be accepted only after the Buyer’s inspection 对合同规定的货物付款不意味买方已接受货物的质量, 所有的货物要经买方检验后方可接受。 Unit Three Work in America
3.Neither party hereto shall be responsible for the failure of the performance hereunder if caused by war, fire, flood, embargo, explosion, shortage of materials, prohibition of import or export, judicial or governmental restrictions, strike or other labor troubles, or any other causes beyond the control of the party. 如果由于战争、火灾、洪水、禁运、爆炸、材料短缺、 禁止进口或出口、司法或政府限制、罢工或其他劳动问 题,或其他当事人不能控制的原因不能执行合同时,双 方均不负责。 Unit Three Work in America
Do It Yourself Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. Complete the following contract by putting Chinese in the brackets into English. Unit Three Work in America