Climate of Ireland Ireland has a mild climate Temperature is usually damp and cold Rarely below freezing Unusually for snow but common for rain
Climate of Spain Has a subtropical climate The cantabrain mountains act as a divider in the country North of the mountains is usually rainy South of the mountains is usually dry
History of Ireland In the Stone and Bronze Ages, Ireland was inhabited by Picts in the north and a people called the Erainn in the south By the beginning of the Christian Era, Ireland was divided into five kingdoms—Ulster, Connacht, Leinster, Meath, and Munster The population had reached 8.25 million when the great potato famine of 1846–1848 took many lives and drove more than 2 million people to immigrate to North America.
History of Spain During the Spanish Inquisition thousands of Jews and Moors who didn’t want to convert to Christianity were expelled from the country or killed. During the Golden Age, after Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492, tons of gold and silver were brought from America to Spain. Spain then became the most powerful nation. In 1808 the Spanish started a 5 year Independence War against the French and won.
Irish Culture Ireland has quite a few different religions such as Catholics, Methodists, Jews, and Islam. The Irish are known for their love of music and dance. Step dancing still remains the most popular. Potatoes and meat are some of the main foods of Ireland; fast food has also become part of their diet.
Spanish Culture The main religion is Roman Catholic They are widely known Flamenco music, dances, and bull fights They have an extraordinary artistic heritage Some of their artists are Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, and Joan Miro.
Spain’s 3 famous cities Madrid which is the capital of Spain Barcelona which is the second largest city in Spain Leon which is one of Spain’s great cathedral cities
Ireland’s famous cities Dublin which is the capital of Ireland Cork which is the second largest city in Ireland Kilkenny which is also known as the marble city
Ireland’s landforms Some major Mts. Ranges in Ireland are the Ox, Slivermines, Blackstairs, and Bluestack They have bogs, lakes, and rivers surrounded by hills and low mountains The west coast has many sea cliffs The Shannon River is the longest river in Ireland
Spain’s Landforms Some Mts. in Spain are Pyrenees, Sistema Iberico Some rivers are Ebro, Jucar, and Tagus. They have many bays, coves, and sandy beaches
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