We have a band Electronic Indie Rock Waiting for them to send us music
Consumerism And Bands Bands aren't people They’re product! Buying the idea- not the substance Unknown Photographer, 2012, available from EB7EY3t49tQ/T9sAYblvt9I/AAAAAAAAAHk/GP- LMOpacJk/s1600/ jpg 1 Direction… action figures The Horror! Postmodern Approach Nothing is new, everything is regurgitated Buy our B(r)and
Preferred Story The band are playing their music Then they are signing contract with producer- they turn into dolls of themselves: their POV as producer gets bigger but they get smaller Then back at where they’re playing their doll versions are playing the music More and more of the same figures pop up everywhere playing the same music Ending Someone buys one of the action figures
The artists ARE the merchandise The music video IS an advert for itself Aim it at indie rockers year olds Live action/puppetry/Keyframe animation Possibly entering the Raindance Film Festival next September Just as long as we finished before 30 th April 2015
Influences A focus on the aesthetics, creating a certain look and style for the video. (Chamberlain 2012) There is one object in the consumer package, the Body. (Baudrillard 1998) Most Marilyn Manson videos focus on the aesthetics and have certain, unique looks and styles. Marilyn Manson – The Dope Show Postmodern as it is a play on the idea of Manson being a product. Manson is seen being captured, experimented on, conformed and duplicated. Clones are destroyed by the real Manson. Rebelling against conformity. “We love your face, We'd really like to sell you”
Production Timeline Activity No. DateDescription 103/11/ /11/14Listen to sample of Premium Red’s music. Adapt video ideas to chosen sample. 210/11/ /11/14Further narrative idea of video. Storyboard of music video. 317/11/14 – 24/11/14Present final storyboard and idea to band and focus group. Adjust as necessary prior to following week. 424/11/14 – 12/01/15Filming of music video. 512/01/15 – 16/02/15Edit music video. Week by week showcase of edit to band to guide progress. 616/02/15 – 23/02/15Present edited music video to Premium Red and focus group to get feedback. 723/02/15 – 02/03/15Adjust video based on feedback. Present final video to Premium Red. 802/03/15 – 09/03/15Finalise video if necessary. Class Screening 06/03/ /03/15 – 23/03/15Upload final music video to UoNTV 20/03/15.
Contextualizing Postmodernism within production: Representation of band Animated world Simulacrum fabrication of character Literally changing bands appearance Capitalist consumerism: Feeding on commercial desires CDs, concerts, films, music videos, condoms etc Consumerist attitudes embodied Political control: ‘Political and economic masters’ Musical media & consumerism Comedy elements to mock
Research question – Band to Brand? Have bands become yet another by-product to be sold at will, or to be altered, once audiences move onto the next inevitable trend? John Mundy The exploitation of Madonna’s identity Represented as another commodity Answers the question, band member is sold
Questio ns?