Local Government Inclusion Workshop Aspects of Inclusion Engaging with people with disability, families and carers in your local area.
Including people with a disability in planning - What we know Across Australia there is a growing interest in reshaping ways to provide support and services for people with disability and their families and carers. People with a disability are seeking a much greater level of control over the design, planning and delivery of services that they use.
Including people with a disability in planning - what we know…. People with a disability are seeking more individualised and personalised approaches, supports and services tailored to their particular goals, aspirations and needs. People want to be involved at all stages in the planning and development of supports and services they may use. “Nothing about us without us”
Including people with a disability in planning - What we know Rights perspective – people have a right to participate in shaping services, policy, legislation that impacts on their lives Personal experience perspective – only people with a disability and their families carers have the natural authority to represent that experience Capacity building – people with disabilities and organisations/governments gain from participating.
So with what we know lets stop and think!
About how you will Include people with disability, families and carers as partners in planning and development of your ideas for the LGA Inclusion grants Speak to the person next to you -How will you determine (or how will you confirm) that your ideas for a project will meet the needs of people with disability, families and carers in your area?
Things to consider Ensure access to information and supporting people to understand the information provided. - Knowledge Building personal ability to participate - Skills Creating equality in your steering committee - Structures Developing supportive relationships in your steering committee that supports participation. Recognise and and use existing networks – Support Knowledge – Skills – Structure - Support
Things to consider Ensure that meetings of your steering committee are scheduled at times to suit people with a disability, their families and carers. People often have time constraints and responsibilities, i.e personal care, family responsibilities. Transport is often a barrier – can you assist? Ensure that people have the agenda well in advance so that people can plan for the necessary supports required so that they can participate meaningfully. Home support may need to be arranged for people to participate fully in the steering group. Ensure that people can participate and enjoy the experience – the chair will need to be mindful of this to encourage meaningful participation. And finally stop and think about whether your steering committee is working well for the people that have embraced the challenge to participate.
And finally Remember that people with a disability who are using your services have the expertise to identify the barriers in accessing your services and to devise possible solutions to address these barriers. That the disability community is one of the most 'consulted' communities in our society. So make sure that your consultation and engagement will make a difference to their lives!