South carolina By. Colleen Washington
what borders my state? North Carolina Goergia Atlantic Ocean
W hat are the main colleges? College of Charleston It is a beautiful college and has a great degree in education I plan to go there some day.
W hat is my states capital? Columbia It has a major ocean.
Big tourists attractions Swan Lake Eves Garden They have 46 tourists parks
What represents this state Palmetto Tree Carolina Wren Yellow Jasmine
States landscape Fertile caostlake
States climate Humid Subtropical climate
States population 4 Million It is a big state and it has so many attractions it attracts so many people.
Who is governor of this state! Mark Standford Native Americans
When was it founded and by whom! Native Americans(cherokke) In the 1100
Works cited Kovicak F. Charles, Rogers jr. George “South Carolina.” World Almanac Library 2002 SC.Gov “ Volkwien, Ann “South Carolina, Palmetto State” Milwaukee, wis world Almanac 2002 Pg.1-48