Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment (ACODE) Local Government Councils Performance Monitoring Project Making my Voice Count Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment (ACODE)
About ACODE Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment. Independent policy research and advocacy think tank. National and regional coverage Help governments and local governments in formulating and monitoring implementation of policies Programmes: Peace and Democracy, Environment, Trade, Innovation and Biotechnology.
Goal of the Project “To contribute to the consolidation of democracy in Uganda by strengthening the demand side of governance through evidence-based monitoring of performance of local government councils”
Objectives of the LGCMP To improve the performance of local governments and increase vertical and horizontal accountability of local government councils. To build the civic capacity of citizens to demand for effective representation, accountability and efficiency in public service delivery. To build the capacity of local level civil society organizations to enable them use the local council performance monitoring methodology and score card
Why the Project The local government councils are established with mandate to deliver services to the citizens. Effective service delivery requires proper functioning of the political, administrative and fiscal sides of the local councils. Existing monitoring efforts focus on monitoring administrative and fiscal performance. Monitoring takes a supply-side – big brother approach Less emphasis on political performance and representation.
Current Monitoring Framework CENTRAL GOVERNMENT OPM Parliament (PAC) and Sectoral Committees Ministry of Local Gov’t Sector ministries Budget Monitoring Unit (MoFPED) Office of the president (EPMI) Annual Assessment of Minimum Conditions and Performance Measures for Local Governments Local Government Executive Legislature Technical
What the LGCMP Seeks To Do Monitor performance of local government councils. Publish annual score cards. Organize workshops and citizens’ fora to disseminate the score cards. Partner with local CSOs to build their capacity in regular monitoring of local councils performance.
How????????? Develop methodology and indicators Convene a methodology workshops bringing together district chairpersons, speakers and research teams. Identifying and entering partnership with local CSO partners.
How Undertaking fieldwork:- Outreach and dissemination of score card. Focus group discussions Administration of individual councilors score cards. Collection and analysis of relevant literature. Verification visits to constituencies. Outreach and dissemination of score card. Partnership with district councils to address identified gaps.
Geographical Scope National Phase 1 covering 10 districts: Ntungamo, Hoima, Nebbi, Amuria, Moroto, Amuru, Kampala, Kamuli, Mbale and Luwero. Phase 2: Original 10 + 20 districts for the 2009/2010 FY Phase 3: 30 + 20 districts for the 2010/2011 – and then 50 districts annually.
Geographical Scope Local Visits to sub-county councils to validate information and data.
Who is being monitored District council as a corporate body District Chairperson District Speaker/Deputy Speaker Individual district councilors
What is being monitored Political leadership Legislative role Contact with the electorate Participation in communal and developmental activities in electoral area Service delivery on national priority programmes.
What are the outcomes of the monitoring exercise Councilors are fully aware of their roles and responsibilities. Citizens are empowered to demand for better performance and accountability from their councilors. Horizontal learning and exchange of knowledge among district councils. Electoral campaigns are driven by policy issues and public demand for improved service delivery. A more systematic documentation of councilors’ contributions in performing their roles.