Beyond 2015 From Policy to Action Toolkit JUNE 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Beyond 2015 From Policy to Action Toolkit JUNE 2015

Objective The objective is to support Beyond 2015 organisations and focal points to build political leadership for implementation The toolkit provide practical tools to on how to ensure that the SDGs are translated into national development plans and that organizations are included in this implementation processes. The toolkit provides practical examples, lessons learned from partners and key political demands.

Our analysis The main challenge is lack of political will for national implementation. The Post-2015 negotiations will either deliver a ‘high substance agreement, low political commitment’ (paper agreement) or a ‘mediocre substance agreement, mixed political commitment’ (business as usual). But we would like to see a transformative agenda, with a ‘high substance agreement, high political commitment’.

Toolkit - the content The toolkit highlights five countries which have made interesting advancements in their planning process for implementing the Post-2015 agenda at the national level. African: Uganda Asian: Philippines Europe: Germany Latin America: Colombia Pacific: Papua New Guinea The five examples are meant to inspire and provide ideas on how Post-2015 implementation could look like.

Toolkit - the goals The toolkit aim to provide practical tools to help civil society colleagues build political leadership for the implementation of the Post-2015 agenda at the national level But the political landscape is constantly evolving and we are currently mapping additional country experiences. So please share your national experiences with implementation plans on this call or send an up-date to Morten

Key recommendations National implementation mechanisms and processes must include civil society organizations and marginalized groups. We need an enabling political environment for engagement, meaning access to timely and clear information, freedom of press, freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of association. Civil society must participate in all policy phases (creation, monitoring and implementing) and transparent review mechanimns must be developed. See Beyond 2015 Red Flags (page 18)

Beyond 2015 Red Flags - Involve other governmental actors and institutions in planning, implementing and monitoring the post-2015 agenda. - Build on the experience of MDG Parliamentary Committees, and support the creation of SDG multi-party Parliamentary Committees. - Call upon local governments to work closely with CSOs to ensure full ownership. - Commit to participatory and inclusive monitoring and reporting mechanisms for the implementation for the SDGs at national levels. - Ensure that national and local resources are allocated to the implementation of the SDGs.

Practical steps for CSOs at the national level Find out where your country stands – send letter Sensitization strategy – awareness / MPs Map state bodies involved in the SDG implementation at national level Create your own view on how SDGs must be adapted to your national context Build CSO coalitions to promote and monitor commitment Create participation and discussion spaces for CSOs Push for creation cross-ministerial commissions

Practical steps for CSOs at the national level (2) Speak up about any deviation from its commitment to ALL SDGs Help to build a positive image of the post-2015 agenda Implement strategies that allow people’s involvement in monitoring government activities Ask your government to publicly commit to B15 ask for Sept Summit Be clear about how you want to be engaged in the implementation and monitoring process and inform your government Highlight case studies in toolkit