MERCOSUR Abdukhamedova Azizakhon
Southern common market
Members of MERCOSUR
Headquarters Montevideo Largest cities São Paulo São Paulo Buenos Aires Buenos Aires Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Caracas Caracas
Official languages Spanish Portuguese Guarani Guarani
Membership 5 members[show][show] 5 associated[show][show] 2 observers[show][show]
Leaders - President Pro Tempore Dilma RousseffRousseffBrazil [2] [2]
Population estimate [3] (4th b ) [3]4th b - Density16/km 2 (206th b ) 41/sq mi206th b
GDPGDP (PPP)PPP2014 estimate - TotalUS$8.563 trillions [3] (3th b ) [3]3th b - Per capitaUS$33,596 (22nd b )22nd b
Mercosur or Mercosul (Spanish: Mercado Común del Sur, Portuguese: Mercado Comum do Sul, Guarani: Ñemby Ñemuha,Southern Common Market) is a sub-regional bloc comprising Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Ven ezuela. Its associate countries are Chile, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Observer countries are New Zealand and Mexico. [6][7]SpanishPortugueseGuaraniArgentinaBrazilParaguayUruguayVen ezuelaChileBoliviaColombiaEcuadorPeruNew ZealandMexico [6][7]
Its purpose is to promote free trade and the fluid movement of goods, people, and currency. The official languages are Spanish, Portuguese and Guaraní. [8] It has been updated, amended, and changed many times since. It is now a full customs union and atrading bloc. Mercosur and the Andean Community of Nations are customs unions that are components of a continuing process of South American integration connected to the Union of South American tradeGuaraní [8]customs uniontrading blocAndean Community of NationsintegrationUnion of South American Nations
Mercosur is composed of 5 sovereign member states: Argentina; Brazil; Paraguay; Uruguay; and Venezuela.sovereign
Iguazu FallsIguazu Falls on the border between Argentina and Brazil is an area with subtropical climate and are one of the New Seven World Natural Wonders.subtropical climateNew Seven World Natural Wonders
São PauloSão Paulo, the largest city of Mercosur.
Mercosur's ceremony, and the flags of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
Headquarters of Mercosur, in the city of Montevideo, Uruguay.Montevideo