Astutie Widyarissantie Climate Change Adaptation Unit Ministry of Environment and Forestry “INVENTORY SYSTEM OF CLIMATE VULNERABILITY INDEX”
INTRODUCTION Global warming and climate change is predicted to alter the pattern of future climate risks The national development that is not consider to the climate change will be affected significantly, due to their vulnerability to an impacts and it also will bring consequences on development goals achievement The World Bank stated that the losses due to climate change and disaster in Indonesia estimated at 7% of GDP Indonesia had launched National Action Plan for Adaptation (RAN API) on February 2014 To monitor the effectiveness of climate resilient development which planned in the NAP, it is necessary to provide tools and methods for assessing the vulnerability of a system or sector
Adaptation Action Plan (RAN-API) 4 Economy Resilience Social and Livelihood Resilience Ecosytem Resilience Special Area Resilience Supporting System Food Security Energy Independency Health Settlement Infrastructure Urban Area Coastal and Small Islands Area 5 clusters SECTOR SUB-SECTOR CLUSTER 7 clusters 4 clusters 7 clusters 5 clusters ACTION PLAN Cluster 1: Adjustment of Food Production Systems 1.Minimize yield loss by reducing the area exposed / puso by floods 2.……. Cluster 1: Identification and control factors 1.Mapping populations and areas vulnerable to climate change 2.……. Cluster 1: Repair / Improvement of Spatial Planning and Land Classification of Land 1.Identification and mapping vulnerability forests, marine ecosystems, watersheds, and biodiversity of the climate change 2.……. Cluster 1: Integrating spatial planning with adaptation efforts 1.Preparation of maps of vulnerability to climate change for urban areas 2.……. Cluster 1: Capacity building for stakeholders in the climate change adaptation 1.Education, counseling, and training on the climate change adaptation 2.…….
SCHEME OF INTERACTION BETWEEN EXPOSURE, SENSITIVITY AND ADAPTIVE CAPACITY TO THE THREAT RISK Climate Variability Climate Change Government Mitigation & Adaptatiion Social- Economy CLIMATE DEVELOPMENT Emission and Land-use Change Impact to Human and Ecosystem Sources: IPCC, 2014 Adaptive Capacity Exposure
INVENTORY SYSTEM OF CLIMATE VULNERABILITY INDEX (SIDIK- Sistem Inventarisasi Data Indeks Kerentanan Perubahan Iklim ) 1.Instrument used for monitoring level of vulnerability at local and national level check the effectiveness of development policy. 2.Outputs SIDIK: Index showing the coping range of villages to climate change Showing the level of vulnerability of village (as combination of exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity) into quadrant system; Based on biophysics, socio-economics indicators Could compare the level of Vulnerability between villages at national level.
Applying the Concept: Assessing Vulnerability Using Quadrant Method – Basis for MONEV System ACI Low ACI High ESI High ESI Low Quadrant 1 Quadrant 2 Quadrant 4 Quadrant 5 To assess relative position of village based on vulnerability index, Indonesia applies quadrant method to locate position of a village in the quadrant based on the Exposure and Sensitivity Index (ESI) and Adaptive Capacity Index (ACI). If ESI and ACI value in Quadrant 5, we can define the village very vulnerable. With CCA actions, it is expected the position of village will move to better position (e.g. from 5 to 4, or to 3, or to 2 or to 1 Quadrant 3 Boer et al., 2010
Applying the Concept: Assessing Vulnerability Level of Villages in Jakarta Low ACI & High SEI High ACI & Low SEI Low ACI & Low SEI High ACI & High SEI
Monitor the change in Vulnerability of Village over time: Jakarta Case [Baseline 2005] WHERE, WHAT and WHEN the adaptation should be prioritized and synergized? WHAT policy supports needed? WHAT Institutional Arrangement?
ILLUSTRATION OF SIDIK Choose 1 province (example: Aceh) then will display: Location (Province) and SEI & ACI Province positioning in the quadrant Colour Indicators according to the quadrant Spidergraph for AC Spidergraph for SEI Choose one area province (for example aceh), the will display: Name of province, SEI and ACI values Position of the province in the quadrant Each color has indicates position of area in the quadrant
Identification of Indicators for defining Level of exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity of Villages: Basis for Developing MONEV of CCA A Indicator for adaptive capacity (ACI) WeightB Indicator for sensitivity and level exposure (SEI) Weight A1Electricity facility0.10B1No. HH live near river side0.05 A2Education facility0.45B2 No Building near the river side 0.05 A21TK (Kindergarten)0.07B3Source of drinking water0.10 A22SD (Elementary School)0.13B31- Pipe (PDAM)0.25 A23SMP (Junior High School)0.20B32- Wells0.50 A24SMU (Senior High School)0.27B33- Spring0.50 A25Universities0.30B34- Lake/river0.75 A3Main source of income0.10B35- Rainfall1.00 A4Health facility0.35B4Population density0.15 A41Puskesmas0.20B5Poverty Level0.10 A42Polyclinic0.30B6Waste fraction0.25 A43Posyandu0.20B7No HH in slump ares0.15 A44Midwife0.10B8No building in slump area0.05 A45Medical doctor0.20B9Land Subsidence0.10
Input-Processing-Output of SIDIK INPUTPROCESSINGOUTPUT Statistic Data of the Village User: Formula modification 1.Type: National or Local Level 2.Adding the indicators 3.Updating index weight measurement SIDIK: Inventory System for Vulnerability Index Extreme rainfall data User: Analysis Scoping 1.Analysis Scope: National, Provincial, Districts or City 2.Analysis Level: at most one level is under the scope Information: SEI: Sensitivity & Exposure Index ACI: Adaptive Capacity Index CRI Index: Coping Range Index Climate Risk: Flood & Drought National: MOEF Local: Provincial/Di strict/City Other Stakeholder
INTEGRATION OF RELEVANT DATA BETWEEN SECTORS/INSTITUTIONS 1: Exposure Indicators, 2:Socio-economic & culture, 3: Threat and Climate Disaster, and 4: verification of vulnerability indicators by local government sources: Boer, 2014 MOEF: SIDIK & Climate Risk Private Local Task Force NGO
Sumber: Boer, 2014 Utilization of Vulnerability Assessment To Synergizing CCA and DRR
CONCLUSION Online SIDIK CAN be utilized by local government and sectors FOR defining vulnerability and to evaluate effectiveness of implementation of national or local development to reduce vulnerability Online SIDIK can be used to assist of prioritization process related to area and program to address threats of Climate Change Online SIDIK needs to further improvement and bring an additional indicators that can be represent exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity Institutional cooperation to provide spatial/land use, economy social, climate risk needs to further development Training and Assistance for local staff to optimize SIDIK System effectively