Decolonization / Cold War Learning objectives: –Understand the importance of these far- reaching events –Put tools to use to raise questions & explain why events happened the way they did
Empires & Decolonization Ancient Empires: Egypt, Phoenicians, Rome, Chinese, etc. Colonization of Latin / North America, 15 th - century on –Domination of indigenous peoples
Spanish empire
Empires & Decolonization Ancient Empires: Egypt, Phoenicians, Rome, Chinese, etc. Colonization of Latin / North America, 15 th - century on –Domination of indigenous peoples European colonization of Africa, Asia & MEast, 19 th -20 th centuries
Imperialism in Asia: Japan’s Colonies
The colonial world, 1914
Decolonization and the end of Empire In 1955, only 3 independent states in sub- Saharan Africa By 1965, 31 By 1980, whole continent independent except Namibia (1990)
Colonial Rule and Independence in Africa
The End of Empire & Decolonization: Explanations How do we explain this epochal change in the international system? Why did it turn out the way it did? Why have some peoples gained independence (statehood) while others (e.g., indigenous peoples in North/Latin America) have not? What are the responsibilities of colonizers?
The End of Empire & Decolonization: Explanations How do we explain this epochal change in world politics? Where would IR theories tell us to look? Critical (Marxist): Economics of empire –Changing Modes of Production made colonies less profitable
The End of Empire & Decolonization: Explanations Critical (Marxist): Economics of empire –Changing Modes of Production made colonies less profitable –Neo-colonialism Realist: Military power –Over-Extension: Colonizers could not maintain colonies –Power and Disinterest: Weak are “states by courtesy” / Powerful did not want to maintain colonies (could if desired).
The End of Empire & Decolonization: Explanations Marxist & Realist explanations: Problems –Could powers like the US today not still attempt to impose colonies if they wanted? –So then why fight colonial wars? –Why did the (militarily) ‘weak’ defeat the ‘strong’ (Vietnam, Algeria)? –What changed that made states want to divest themselves of colonies that earlier were keys to great power status? Why grant independence in that period when didn’t before? –Why did some transitions to independence occur with wars, others less violently?
The End of Empire & Decolonization: Explanations I) Liberalism/constructivism: –Role of individuals (“moral entrepreneurs”) & “people power” –Gandhi & Non-Violence
The End of Empire & Decolonization: Explanations Liberalism/constructivism - –I) Role of individuals & people power: Gandhi & Non-violence –II) Power of Ideas Nationalism
Decolonization & Nationalism Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh
The End of Empire & Decolonization: Explanations Liberalism/Constructivism –I) Role of individuals & people power –II) Power of Ideas Nationalism Resistance & “Weapons of the weak”: Turn colonizers’ own ideas against them
The End of Empire & Decolonization: Explanations Liberalism/Constructivism –I) Role of individuals & people power –II) Power of Ideas Nationalism Resistance & “Weapons of the weak De-legitimization of colonialism within colonial powers –III) International Organizations: UN de-legitimization of colonialization / legitimization of ‘self-determination’
The End of Empire & Decolonization: Explanations III) International Organizations UN de-legitimization of colonialization / legitimization of ‘self-determination’ UN 1960 GA Resolution on Granting of Independence –Colonization condemned as “subjugation, domination and exploitation” and “denial of fundamental human rights” Revolution from de facto sovereignty (realism) to de jure sovereignty (liberal constructivism): “failed” states –Weak states which exist more due to international recognition of their sovereign legal right to exist than ability to defend it & govern with stability Robert Jackson (UBC)
The Politics of Recognition and Self-determination Whose claims for independence and self- determination ought to be recognized, and on what basis? –Kurds? –Indigenous peoples? –Kosovo?
States recognizing Kosovo’s claims to independence