World History 1 SOL Review Literature & Laws Writing Systems
Paleolithic Age people did this in their caves….
Cave Art
In Ancient Egypt…..
Hieroglyphics Ancient Egypt pictograms
Cuneiform Early Sumerian writing (Mesopotamia) - Clay tablets
Law code
Hammurabi’s Code 1 st written code of law King of Babylonian Empire “eye for an eye” Not equal to all - Rich vs. poor
10 Commandments -Moses receives for Hebrews -rules for ethical behavior -also used by Christians and Muslims
The Hebrew holy book is the……
Ancient China
Chinese Calligraphy 1 st used by Shang priests on ORACLE BONES
Indus Valley writing (images on stone & clay) has not been Deciphered
Phoenicians were the 1 st people of the ancient world (Fertile Crescent) to develop an…
phoenetic Alphabet
Greek poet who wrote the ILIAD&_ODYSSEY About the TROJAN Wars was….
The Greeks also started this form of art which included Tragedies and Comedies…
The Romans 1 st Code of Law was called the…
Twelve Tables
The Roman Poet Virgil also wrote Stories of the Trojan War called the ….
The Byzantine Emperor Justinian Re-codified old Roman Laws…they are called…
Justinian’s Code
Byzantine’s influence resulted in a new language for the Slav’s/Russian’s called (clue...St. Cyril)
Cyrillic Alphabet
What written Language is this?
Arabic Calligraphy What Holy Book is written in Arabic?
Quran (Koran) Considered by Muslims to be the word of GOD
Hindu sacred writings are the… Vedas ( Aryans introduce w/ Caste system) Upanishads
Which civilization greatly influenced Japan? What or How did it influence?
China Writing also Archictecture and Buddhism
Acheivements of the Mayan, Aztecs and Incas included… Calendars Mathematics and
Writing Systems
In 1215 King John of England was forced to signed the (clue-great charter)….
Magna Carta
During the Middle Ages in Europe Church Scholars were among the few who could read and write. They translated Greek and Arabic script into Latin.
Machiavelli wrote… _____________ *about how to rule…Absolute power *”ends justifies the means” *do good if possible, but do evil if necessary_
The Prince
Famous Humanist scholar and sonnet writer was… Petrach
The invention of the Printing Press made the production and sale of books as well as the spread of ideas much easier.
What was the first book made with the printing press?
The Gutenburg Bible
Two ImportantNorthern Renaissance writers were… Erasmus - The Praise of Folly Sir Thomas More - Utopia