Switch to design view to begin to build the database, by adding field names, formatting the field sizes and data types. This will be the foundation of the database before importing all the data. Using the data items list I entered the field names given. Some fields will need to be formatted in order to ensure the correct records are entered into the database.
I chose the data type text for the first five fields because they required a range of characters which are allowed using data type text. The records for these fields will not need more than 255 characters therefore the data type memo is not necessary. Name of Species Group Location This should be more than enough characters for the field Name of Species The field Group can only allow records that are listed in the drop down box – these will not exceed 17 characters Records in the field Location will not have more than 100 characters StatusThreat Status is coded and the maximum characters is 6 Threat has one letter codes and so the field size does not need to be more than 1 character
I chose the data type currency for the last field because this field only allows records with currency in ‘£’ with two decimal places which can be edited in the properties. Adoption Cost For the field Adoption Cost, the data items list stated that the records would be in £’s, therefore I selected the format Currency so that only records in that format could enter the database. The records also had to be in pounds to 2 decimal places, so I typed 2 in the decimal places row and selected currency in £ option in the drop down menu. The items list said that the field name carbs and fat need 1 decimal place Web link I chose the data type hyperlink for the weblink field because these records would have to be in a hyperlink format that would direct people to a web page when clicked on. The data items list specified that the web link field had to be a hyperlink data type as only records that had a hyperlink to webpage could be entered into the database.
The data list specified that only specific records could be entered in the field group. These were ‘Bird/ Insect, Mammal, Fish, Reptile/Amphibian’, and so I created a drop down box using ‘Lookup Wizard’ so that only one of these options could be selected. If any other characters try to get into the database and air message will appear The fields Status and Threat require a validation rule so that only the codes listed from the criteria enter the database. By writing the validation rule a personalised air message (one that I have written myself) will appear.
My database is now ready to have data imported into it.
Test Buddy Feedback: - It’s good that you have a font which you can use through out - There is a coloured code guide, to help the user - There are buttons to navigate to the next and previous records - The colours are quite dull and should relate more to the theme of wild life - You could have more buttons - You should consider the layout of the page and how the objects are organised on the page Improvements: I will create more buttons so that the user can add records and print out the data entry form. I will also use colours that are fun and nature related, however do not clash so much that they make the form look unprofessional. I will re-arrange the layout so that the form is less crammed with shapes.
Test buddy Feedback: - The new colour scheme is more appropriate for the project and the colours contrast each other well - The variance of green shades within the table works well and makes it easy and clear to read - The code guide is slightly hard to read as the words are pixelated - The code guide could be more subtle, rather than so large on the page - You could make the buttons a different colour, so that they contrast with the colour scheme of the form - The table could be wider, so that the full website address can be seen Improvements: I will create more buttons so that the user can add, save and find records on the database. I will also create a knew code guide, as the current one is messy and doesn’t work well with the rest of the form. I will change the colours of the buttons so that they suit the colour scheme. I will change the layout of the objects so that they take up as much room on the page as they can, whilst also looking professional. I will also make the threat and status fields have a drop down box so that it is easier for the user to add new records that are valid for the database.
Species: West African Giraffe Group: Mammal Location: West Africa Status: Orange Threat: Hunting Weblink: Adoption Cost: £20.00
Species: Addax Group: Mammal Location: Africa Status: Critically Endangered Threat: Hunting Weblink: d/addax.html d/addax.html Adoption Cost: £15.00
Species: Diana Monkey Group: Mammal Location: West Africa Status: At risk Threat: Loss of habitat Weblink: ry/field/diana-monkey.html ry/field/diana-monkey.html Adoption Cost: £25.00