Queen Hatshepsut and Queen Nefertiti By Anna Kralik and Kerry Lyons The Egyptian Queens Queen Hatshepsut and Queen Nefertiti By Anna Kralik and Kerry Lyons
Queen Nefertiti Queen Nefertiti’s real name is Queen Nefertiti Akkenaton.
Famous Relatives Queen Nefertiti wasn’t related to anyone royal. Her dad was an officer.
Famous Fiends King Akhenten was her friend then she later married him. Queen Nefertiti had 6 daughters.
Famous Enemies She didn’t have any. Everyone loved her in ancient egypt because she was beautiful.
Important things in her childhood Nothing happened when she was a child. She was a regular child in ancient egypt.
Good Leader/ Bad Leader She was a good leader . She helped her husband rule.
Hobbies She dressed in beautiful clothes. She only did fashion to set an example.
Compare leaders today from ancient Egypt I would compare the first ladies to Queen Nefertiti. The first ladies help the president.
Queen Hatshepsut Queen Hatshesput ruled 1473 to 1458 B.C. She is probably one of the most famous female pharaohs.
Queen Hatshepsut’s Famous Relatives: Thumuse I – Father Aahames – Mother Thutmose III – Nephew/Stepson Friends: Senmut because he took care of her daughter and was Hatshepsut’s chief architect.
Hatshepsut’s Enemies Thutmose III because he might be the cause of Hatshepsut’s disappearance, since it was when he took full control of the throne.
When Hatshepsut Was a Child No information was available on Queen Hateshesut as a child. All information began when she started to rule.
Was Hatshepsut a Good Leader? Hatshepsut was an excellent leader because she used her army to increase trade, (not for war).
Hatshepsut’s Religion Hatshepsut’s Rules She encouraged the expansion of trade with other countries. Ordinary people were able to live without a major war during her time as a pharaoh. Hatshepsut’s Religion There were no changes in religion when Hatshepsut ruled.
Hatshepsut’s hobbies Since Hatshepsut built so many huge buildings, I would say that her favorite hobby was building.
Hatshepsut’s Most Hated Pharaohs Hatshepsut lived in fear that her nephew, Thutmose, would take control from her. So Hatshepsut decided to send the army, which he lead, on trade expeditions so he wouldn’t be a danger to her.
Comparing Hatshepsut and President Nixon Hatshepsut encouraged trade and President Nixon opened trade with China. Hatshepsut had no major wars and President Nixon ended the Vietnam war. Hatshepsut disappeared and President Nixon was forced to resign.
Compare Nefertiti Hatshepsut She loved fashion She dressed beautifully. She ruled with her husband. She wore men’s clothes. She also wore a beard. She ruled alone.
Sources http://images.google.com http://www.ourwhitehouse.org/prespgs/rmnixon.html http://www.pbs.org/empires/eygpt/newkingdom/hatshepsut.html Books Egyptian Dynasties by Joyce Haynes, Rosen Publishing Group Inc. 1998, USA.
Sources (continued) www.toure egypt.net/feature historians/Nefertiti.htm www.msu.edu/emuseum/prehistorg/egypt/history/poeple/Nefertiti;htm www.kingtutone.com/queens/nefertiti.htm