Friday is the deadline to turn in your paperwork. Don’t be left without a t-shirt if you want one. Thank you!
SMS Practices will be Thursdays and Mondays from 4-6:30 Come dressed down with knee pads if you have them!
+ It’s time to design the cover for the Yearbook! Please use ink or paint for your design to be vivid and bright! Pick up a form in the office Deadline September 18 Ask Ms. Souther or a yearbook staffer if you have questions
The PEAK Dance Flyers are located in the Office and on the PEAK Door. This is a year long commitment. Auditions-9/23,24, & 25 in the Big Gym, 3:45pm-5:45pm. The PEAK Computer Class will begin Wednesday, 9/16. Learn how to craft a BLOG code-HTML,CSS, AND JAVA SCRIPT, and to do graphic animations. PEAK Red Cross Babysitting Classes are filling up. There are three classes- 10/30;1/25; and 4/8. Only ten students in each class. These are all day classes held on Teacher Planning Days. Sign up soon! PEAK Drama audition will be on Thursday, 9/17 from 3:45-5:45pm. The fall play is The Sound of Music. PEAK Homework Club will begin, Monday, 9/14, from 3:45pm-5:30pm. Perfect your time management and organizational skills to have your homework and class projects completed on time. Homework is fun and a growing experience. PEAK Bureau of Police Girl Strengh Class will begin on Tuesday, 9/22 and run on Tuesdays thru 11/17. The class will meet in the Small Gym from 3:45-5:15pm. Bev O'Brien, our Sellwood School Nurse, will be the class Teacher. The PEAK Sewing/Textile Class will begin on Wednesday, 9/16 from 3:45-5:00pm in Room 135, the Art Room. Mrs. Bauer, our Art Teacher will be the Instructor. She will introduce you to a variety of creative crafts. Join the PEAK Program and enjoy meeting new friends in the after school classes. Questions, see Ms.Price-Room in 214 PEAK NEWS