Going Bananas! All of you should be able to explain what Fairtrade is. Most of you should be able to give reasons for buying Fairtrade goods. Some of you should be able to discuss the issues surrounding Fairtrade farmers.
Have you ever seen this symbol? Where? Do you know what it represents? Think for 60 seconds, then share your answers with the person sitting next to you.
some people see a parrot. others a green leaf. some see the black swirl at the centre as a road leading to a brighter future. There are different interpretations of the Fair trade symbol
The most popular interpretation is to imagine the blue as the sky, the green as the grass, and the black dot and swirl at the centre as a person holding one arm up in the air. That figure represents the people at the heart of the Fairtrade system – it could be a farmer holding up their product, a shopper reaching to purchase, or a campaigner fighting for greater justice in international trade.
What problem do farmers in poorer countries face, that Fairtrade aims to solve? Fluctuating (changing) prices that may not even cover the costs of producing the crops. What is the Fairtrade promise? Fairtrade promises a stable price and a long-term trading relationship, guaranteeing producers a better deal.
How do your shopping habits affect the local environment and working conditions of the banana farmers in Panama?
Answer: If I buy Fairtrade produce…
Pick one of the following problems… Workers have to walk for miles to get to work. Many workers are bitten by mosquitoes and get sick with Malaria. Workers’ children go to school in the local village, but the school is underfunded. Role play a discussion in a committee meeting. What solutions will the managers come up with?
Organic food is food that has been produced to strict standards that keep its production more 'natural'. What does organic mean?
In organic farming fewer, if any, chemicals are used and most pesticides are banned - when they are used, they are very carefully controlled. One drawback of organic produce is that it tends to be more expensive than regular food. Many people think that organic food is healthier, and better for the environment.
Produce a poster explaining why people should buy Fairtrade products. Your task: