HS Announcements: Friday, Feb. 1 st High School 1.The high school talent show will take place next Friday, February 8th. Please see Mr. Lamb with questions. 2.Any girls interested in playing soccer next year in grades 8-11, there will be a meeting Monday after school in Mr. Cotrell's room. The meeting should be over at 3:15. If you have any questions, see Mr. Cotrell. 3.Softball open gym will be this Saturday- time has changed to 11:30-12:30 in aux gym. 4.Attention Seniors – Please turn in Senior video pictures to Mr. Yoder as soon as possible. The sooner the better! 5.Good luck to our Quick Recall team as the compete in OHC Tournament tomorrow at Southeastern! 6.For those going to Greeneview for the basketball game tonight – wear BLACK! 7.There will be a junior class meeting during homeroom next Tuesday in the Choir room. From Guidance 1.On Monday, February, 4 from 6:30-8:00 pm, the HS Guidance Office will be sponsoring its annual Post Secondary Education Options Program Mandatory Counseling Meeting in the WL-S Media Center. This is a required information/counseling session for students entering grades 9-12 for the school year who wish to leave the WLS campus to take college courses while in high school. The second portion of the evening is not required, but rather suggested, for students and parents who wish to know more about the Dual Enrollment Program through Urbana University that is offered to WLS’s juniors and seniors. This option is available for our students who wish to earn both high school and college credit while at WLS without leaving the WLS campus. 2.Students interested in pursuing a career in veterinary medicine; the 2013 Veterinary Exploration Conference and College Fair will be held at the Hyatt Regency in Columbus on February 23, 2013, and registration is required. Stop by the Guidance office for more information. 3.Students interested in pursuing a Business degree, here is a great opportunity for you during the summer. The Ohio Business Foundation is once again holding 2 Ohio Business Week opportunities to all high school students in Ohio. The dates for this year’s Ohio Business Weeks are June at Ohio Dominican University and July 28-August 3 to be held at Youngstown State University. The deadline to apply will be February 28. If you are interested, stop by the Guidance office for an application and more information. 4.Do you hope to pursue a career in a medical/health-related field? Do you want to be a doctor, veterinarian, pharmacist, physical therapist, optometrist, dentist, physician assistant? Wright State’s pre-med/pre-health professional program will prepare you for any of these professions. If you fit this profile, you should attend the Presidents’ Day “Path to Health Professions”, held at Wright State University on Monday, Feb. 18 th from 9:00am –noon. For more information, stop by the guidance office. For Seniors 1.Attention seniors interested in Sinclair Community College. Scholarship information is available in the Guidance office. 2.If you have applied or already been accepted to the University of Dayton, stop in the Guidance office to see how you could win up to a $40,000 scholarship to the University of Dayton! 3.The Pioneer Electric Coop Scholarship is now available. Your parents need to be Pioneer Electric customers to qualify. First place scholarship amount is $2,000 and second place received $1,500. Please stop in the Guidance office for more information. 4.The Christy Knotts & Ranae Donohoe Scholarship application is now available in the Guidance office. The deadline to return the scholarship application to the Guidance office will be March 8th. 5.The OSU Lima Rudd Scholarship is due Feb. 15th. Students must have a minimum of a 3.0 GPA and have applied to OSU Lima for admission. 6.The Buick Achievers Scholarship is open to any student attending a 4-year college and focusing on Engineering/Technology or Design and Business related programs of study. The application must be filled out online and the deadline is February 28, Stolly Insurance Succeed Scholarship is open to any senior that will be attending a 2 or 4 year college. The application is available in the Guidance office and the deadline for the application and essay will be February 13th, to the Guidance office. HS Athletics 1.The varsity girls basketball team defeated Northeastern in overtime last night.Melany Ward led the way with 18 points. Jamie Peterson added 15 and Taylor Day had Good luck to our varsity wrestling team as they compete in the OHC Meet at Mechanicsburg tomorrow. 3.Meghan Vogel will be signing her national letter of intent to Penn State University for cross country and track and field, Wednesday, February 6th at 3:00 p.m. in the school's media center. All are welcome to attend.