English 1301 WB Orientation
Welcome to English 1301 Hi, my name is Donna Smith, and I’ll be your instructor for this semester.
Here’s my contact info Office: Wilkerson Hall 208 Phone:
In this presentation, I want to talk about some misconceptions that students bring to taking classes on the web and then talk about how to succeed in this class.
Misconception #1 English is easier on the web. NOT
You may believe that avoiding the drone of the teacher’s voice is a good thing... =1287 Click on the back arrow to return to the presentation once you’ve viewed the clip.
You may think that taking class physically apart from other students is a positive... Click on back arrow to return to the presentation after viewing the video.
But if you don’t have the teacher up there in front of you talking, then the only way you’ll get the information is by...
To be successful in a web class, you have to be willing to read and to read carefully because that will be the main way you get the information of the class.
You won’t have the benefit of Hearing the assignment explained, Getting answers to questions immediately upon asking them, Hearing questions from classmates (that you haven’t even thought to ask) Some students find that much independence from the teacher to be confusing at first.
Misconception #2 You may think there will be less or easier work...
But actually... You do exactly the same amount of work in a web that you do in a face-to-face class You just do it more or less on your own, Without the safety net of a teacher reminding you daily in class of due dates. Speeding bullet, which is what the semester sometimes feels like if you let yourself get behind
Misconception # 3 You may think that because there are no class meetings, You can do your work completely at your convenience
But if you don’t have time to check your at least three times a week; turn assignments in according to a weekly deadline, and to spend between 9 and 12 hours a week working on this class, Then you don’t have time to take this class!
Misconception #4 You may think that because you’re doing English on the web, Writing standards are lower and you can write for me the way you write for your online friends PCM! B/F? BFN!! OMG! LOL :-D
But by the end of the semester, you will have done Five multi-paragraph essays And other assorted writing so that You will have produced approximately Of grammatically clean, clear, polished thesis- driven prose
So what do you need to do to be
Success Tip #1: Familiarize yourself with the course policy statement You’ll access it off Blackboard
Click on Course Information
Which will take you here Read it carefully!
Success Tip #2: Form a relationship with me Come by and visit— meet me in person (WH 208); Call me on the phone ( ); me... frequently!
Frequent contact with me keeps you from getting as frustrated and confused. Stay in touch with me!
Success Tip #3: stay in control of your assignments: First, print out all assignments and read them through in hard copy, annotating them with questions and comments; Schedule yourself a time everyday to work on English. Do not ignore the assignments until the day they’re due and then try to crash them out in a hurry; –You should plan to average between nine and twelve hours a week working on the assignments of this class; –You can access the assignments off Blackboard or from my English 1301 Homepage (
Don’t procrastinate Begin this course with 100% of your effort—it’s easier to cut corners later when you have a better idea of the level of effort needed to be successful.
Success Tip #4: Stay Organized Keep all correspondence between you and me, preferably in printed hard copy; Keep a calendar next to your computer and make a note of due dates; Begin assignments when you get them, well in advance of their due date (it always takes longer than you think it will to write well)
Success Tip #5: Behave Responsibly Meet deadlines (and graciously accept any consequences of missing one); If a crisis occurs, (a crashed computer, a family emergency, a debilitating illness) contact me sooner, not later; Treat me and this class with importance, the way you’d want to be treated yourself.
What Should You Do Now? 1.Get yourself enrolled in Blackboard;
OC’s home page If you’ll click on this link ( you’ll get important information on how to login. Once you’ve read that information, you can click on the back arrow to return to this presentation. This is the link you use to access Blackboard
What Should You Do Now? 1.Get yourself enrolled in Blackboard; 2.Once you’re enrolled in Blackboard, find the policy statement, read it, and take a quiz over it; 3.Then go to the first assignment— the diagnostic writing assignment— and complete it.
The Most Important Key to Success in This Class I can get you through this class, but only if you work with me—I can’t care more about your success than you do.
Good Luck! And let the games begin!