More practice grammar Ppt. on ch CH.11 aloud Did you get new study guide on Friday? tomorrow! No late start! HOMEWORK: STUDY FOR EPT OFF my website READ CH by Friday with study guide due. Benchmark exam April 4,5. Big test to determine if you need remedial English and Math at college!
New voc. List: lesson circle right word SSR: CH.12; book check DISCUSS CH.11 via 1-4 on worksheet Comma test Group assignment Go to and answer easy questions and rice is donated to poor people. HOMEWORK: READ CH.12-14; DO study questions. Quiz Friday!
Voc. Practice(new list given yesterday) Group activities Ssr: pg. 122, 124 Read until everyone is done. HOMEWORK: READ CH.13-15; study guide due tomorrow. Quiz on Friday
Voc. Lesson #1: unit 7; choose the answer Worksheet on ch in book. Absentees: take benchmark in pod. Do as much as you can and finish at lunch or free period. Ch for next week but you may just want to finish it fast and reread it for enjoyment! Continue to do your project; it’s due 3-29!!