(aka Vocabulary for World History, Semester 2 mixed with Pokemón)
There are 60 key terms that will show up in the matching section of the exam. Today we will prioritize our vocabulary study by trading cards of differing rarity values to catch ‘em all.
In trading card games, sometimes it is hard to find your favorite cards because of differing rarity values. Rarity values are a form of scarcity, the economic concept that says you can’t have everything that you want.
Rarity is designed by the creators of the game to make certain cards more valuable. In today’s vocabulary game, I have made certain definitions more rare to make them harder to find.
Once you have your cards, look for the suits symbols. ( ♠ ♥ ♣ ♦ ) If your card has all four, that means there are four copies floating around. If you have three symbols, there are three cards. If you have two, two. If you have one symbol, you have the only copy of that card.
1. Copy the definitions from your cards to your paper. Do not copy from other students’ papers. 2. After you copy the definition, you may trade your card with the teacher or another student in the trading area. 3. If you trade with your teacher, you will get random cards back based on the rarity you traded (see numbers above). 4. If you trade with a student, you may trade the cards one for one. You may talk to each other in the trading area only cards