In the past, the fear of the unknown led to a strong belief in unseen spirits and most of them were evil. To avoid these evil powers people invented all sorts of charms and spells as “antidotes” that could either bring good luck or ward off bad luck.
Finding a four-leaf clover The four-leaf clover is one of the most valuable of all good luck charms. The parts of the leaf represent four parts of life: fame, wealth, love and health. The owner of the clover will have good fortune in all four of them.
Opening umbrellas indoors Since the umbrella was first used to protect a person from the sun, it is an insult to the sun to open an umbrella indoors. Doing so will bring bad luck to anyone who lives in the house.
Stepping on a crack in the sidewalk An old saying goes “Step on a crack, break your mother’s back.” A crack in the sidewalk represented the opening of a grave and stepping on a crack meant inviting death to your family.
Walking under a ladder A ladder leaning against a wall forms a triangle with the wall and the earth. According to traditional belief, the three sides of a triangle represent the family, so passing through the triangle destroys the wholeness of the family. That’s why people used to believe that walking under a ladder brings bad luck.
Seeing a black cat People used to believe witches could change themselves into cats. a black cat crossing your path is bad luck because it might really be a witch.
Knocking on wood People once believed that spirits of gods lived in trees. So, when we talk about our good fortune, we knock on wood three times to ask the spirit inside the wood to protect our luck and not to punish us for praising ourselves.
The Evil Eye There is an ancient belief that some people have the power to harm another’s health or happiness simply by looking at them. To protect yourself from being noticed by the evil eye, you must not openly praise yourself or call attention to any good fortune.
Leap Year Leap year is the year when February has 29 days and it is believed to be a lucky time to begin new projects. A common tradition says that during this year a woman can propose marriage and it‘s bad luck for a man to turn down such an offer.
The groom must not see the bride before the wedding Among the many superstitions concerning the wedding there is the custom that the groom must not see his bride before the ceremony. To do so would be a sign of submission to her family.
From the book “101 American Superstitions”, by Harry Collins. Is there any other superstition that you believe in?