T WO -P ART W EBINAR Part 1: The Origination of the Plan Understanding the recruiting shift Part 2: The Preparation and Execution of the Plan Looking at the timeline, training, and resources 2
P RESENTERS Moderator: Mark Hazlewood, P.R.A.Y. CEO Guests from Orange County Council, BSA: Danny Tucker, Deputy Scout Executive Chief Operating Officer Marty Cutrone, Director of Strategic Alliances 3
P REVIOUS W EBINAR (D ANNY ) Summary of Part 1: The Origination of the Plan Role of the Board New Strategic Alliances position Prospect Criteria Faith-based or ganizations only Pack / Troop prospects. Sorry no crews at this time. No Full Family of Scouting calls. Cannot be existing charter partners. Prospect cannot have been a charter partner in the last three years. Strategic Alliances-Marty Cutrone 4
P LANNING AND E XECUTION (M ARTY ) Can you provide us with a brief overview of how the strategic alliances vision turned into an action plan? Can you flesh out the idea about the new unit blitz day? Can you share an overview of the detailed timeline you created? 5
T IMELINE O VERVIEW (M ARTY ) January: District Top Hands Conf. and Staff Planning Conference February Research and Identify New Unit Prospects Schedule PRAY Seminar and Blitz Day meeting March: Seminar: Developing Strategic Faith Based Partnerships Training: practical applications New Unit Blitz Day – March 24 th April-June: Follow-up visits; Begin new unit steps 6
T IMELINE S TAFF P LANNING C ONFERENCE (M ARTY ) January Staff Planning Conference and District Top Hands Conference “Strategic Alliances Roll-Out” Rationale, setting tone, new shift Agenda & Goals Outcome: Staff & Volunteer Buy-In 7
T IMELINE F EBRUARY (M ARTY ) Feb 9 - Feb 23: Identify New Unit Prospects Complete Analysis (of neighborhoods, market share, etc.) Create Prospect Contact List Identify volunteers to attend March 9 th Seminar Feb 23-March 9: Schedule March 24 th Prospect Meetings (minimum 4 meetings) 8
T IMELINE M ARCH (M ARTY ) March 2 – Staff Meeting Present “NUTS” campaign guide (building a team) 9
T IMELINE M ARCH 9 TH S EMINAR (M ARTY ) March 9 th Seminar: “Developing Strategic Faith Based Partnerships” Speaker: Mark Hazlewood 9am-3pm Field team 7pm-8:30pm Volunteer meeting Agenda: Understanding your target Sales techniques Sustainability Utilizing the Religious Emblems Program 10
S EMINAR T ALKING P OINTS (M ARTY ) Talking points: Provide real benefits to congregation Build relationships; Share responsibilities Start the unit correctly-No Shortcuts! Religious emblems - your foot in the door Resources: Council VP Strategic Alliances 3 Questionnaires Institutional Head Interview 11
T IMELINE M ARCH (M ARTY ) March 9 – March 23 Review strategy, sales techniques and “Strengthening Your Organization through Scouting” sales kit materials Practical application & Preparing to make the call Create a Structured Sales Worksheet per prospect Create a detailed Recruitment Plan per prospect 12
T IMELINE M ARCH (M ARTY ) March 23 – Staff Meeting Pre-game Coaching Sales Kit distribution Final appointment schedule due Review making sales calls to IH’s Shark Tank Sales Pitch Finalize teams; pairing field staff with leadership staff 13
R ESOURCES (M ARTY ) -District New Unit Chart -Seminar Agenda/Flyers -Chartered Partner Organization Guide -“Growing Your Faith Through Scouting” Brochure (NEW!) -Structured Sales Call Worksheets -Blitz Day Schedule -Recruitment Plan Worksheet -Sales Kits: “Strengthening Your Organization Through Scouting” -“Meeting with Faith Based Institutional Heads” Presentation Outline -New Membership Standards Discussion Guide -NUTS Campaign Guide (New Unit Team Specialist Guide) Shark Tank Presentation Techniques 14
SALES KIT CONTENTS (M ARTY ) -“Strengthening Your Org…” brochure -Duty to God brochure -Council Camping facility guide -PRAY Awards brochure -“Growing Your Faith Through Scouting” brochure -New Unit Application -Chartered Organization Agreement Form -Business Card 15
N EW U NIT B LITZ D AY (P ROSPECT M EETINGS ) (M ARTY ) March 24 th 8am Field Team Rally – Council office 9am-3pm Charter Partner Visits 4pm Victory celebration 16
N EW U NIT B LITZ (P ROSPECT M EETINGS ) (M ARTY ) 70 visits; 25 prescheduled; 45 cold calls Results: 22 new unit commitments 53 follow-up meetings 2 declined further contact Other points BSA Victory Magnets 17
T IMELINE A PRIL -J UNE (M ARTY ) March 25-June 1- Follow Up Calls with potential partners Begin Organizing Spring Units June 22 - Spring Blitz Campaign Conclusion and Evaluation 18
F OLLOW U P V ISITS (M ARTY ) Current Progress-Success Stories Staff Accountability COR newsletter District New Unit Chairs & NUTS Team 19
M OVING F ORWARD (M ARTY ) Key Strategic Alliances Initiatives -Building a Council Strategic Alliances Comm. -Building new council denominational-BSA relationship committees (Methodist, Presbyterian, Evangelical -Summer-time IH visits -Organizing a Catholic Bishops Brunch 20
Q&A 21
S UMMARY Council Executive Board Buy-In Invest in Strategic Alliances Cast compelling vision to staff & volunteers Build a Council SA Committee Focus on Faith-Based institutions Re-Vision Relationship Committee Equip, Empower, Encourage and Execute 22
T HANK YOU ! A special “thank you” to our presenters this afternoon. Contact Mark Hazlewood Marty Cutrone 23
T HANK Y OU ! Thank you for your interest in Faith Based Initiatives. The recording of this webinar will be available to view in the P.R.A.Y. Learning Center 24