Reflections on Broadening Recruitment and Widening Participation: The Challenge of Diversity A WP Development Programme for the University of Borås, in partnership with Continuum, University of East London
Background The University of Borås (UB) wants to be known as the “University of Diversity”. (Mångfaldens högskola) UB has a strong recruitment record to build on in terms of diversity and inclusion. Aims to develop a more strategic approach to match the operational performance achieved.
Inclusive Approach University of Borås is therefore challenging itself to improve both representation and diversity through a cross-university approach which will focus on the need to: – Identify development areas for WP. – Explore practical activities and projects in the field of WP. – Support staff capacity building and awareness of different aspects of WP.
Aims The main aim of the programme is to identify how UB should be working over the next few years to both promote and widen participation to its HE programmes. To build capacity across the university to WP.
Aims Outputs: – University lecture on WP – Series of themed professional development workshops (3) – WP toolkit – International study visit – Knowledge exchange – Action plan development – Series of WP Action Projects
An Overview of the Programme Institutional lecture and networking event: An open invitation lecture to kick-start the programme. Professional development workshops: Three themed day workshops involving staff from across the university. A customised toolkit: Based on outputs from workshops and other sources. A UK WP study visit: Created for the Advisory Group to undertake a London based study visit. Outline action plan: Based on staff inputs and discussion with the National Agency for HE.
Professional Development Workshops Workshop 1 (16 th September 2010): – Widening Recruitment and Participation – Meanings, Definitions and Implications Workshop 2 (10 th November 2010): – Widening Recruitment and Participation – Pre-entry and HE Access Workshop 3 (3 rd February 2011): – Widening Recruitment and Participation – Developing WRP Action Projects
Outline WP Action Plan Context Institutional mission Position statement Aims and objectives Work undertaken to date Monitoring and evaluation
Staff Participation Advisory Board created with 12 members from the 6 departments – Schools, the Unit for Library and Learning Resources, the Central Administration and the Student Union at UB. The Advisory Board plus 20 additional colleagues participated in a series of 3 themed workshops.
Staff Participation A university wide networking event was held to kick-start this phase of the WP work. The outputs from workshops fed into the production of a toolkit to be rolled out across the university for all staff. Meeting with the Senior Management team. Staff group participated in the UK study visit
Next Steps Consultation and configuration of the WP Action Plan Evaluate progress of the Action Projects. Dissemination of WRP Toolkit. Develop proposal for a junior University of Borås. Build research and development capacity.
Contact Professor John Storan Director, Continuum University of East London E: T: Web: