Pre-Season Preparation for Track Coaches Pulling my hair now, so I won’t have to March 1st…
Recruit your team * Hallways *P.E. classes *Fall and Winter sports *Distribute a Newsletter *Construct a Handbook *Pictures/Displays/DVD’s *Do your research on those you are recruiting
Communicate with Parents Send out a winter Letter (prior to Christmas break) Include tentative Calendar Schedules Plans Philosophy Expectations Equipment needs Winter training expectations
Solidify your coaching staff Paid Volunteer Get solid commitments
Lining up your medical staff Preferred physician Physical Therapist Chiropractor Massage therapist
Meet Schedule Carefully Finalize Your DateDayMeetSiteTime 3/14/09SatDavis JamboreeKumler Field12:00pm 3/21/09SatPapa Wells InviteKumler Field11:00am 3/24/09TuesGrandview InviteGrandview HS3:30pm 3/28/09SatRay Cross InviteEphrata HS11:20am 4/3/09Fri.Carnival of SpeedMilton-Freewater11:00am 4/11/09SatDavis InviteZaepfel Stadium10:00am 4/18/09SatPasco InvitePasco HS10:00am 4/18/09Sat.Windbreaker InviteWahluke10:00am
Practices Meets Directions Make tentative practice schedules Daily Weekly Three-month plan 12 month plan
Inventory uniforms/order new or replacement uniforms Practical vs stylish Singlets/Shorts/Warm-ups Pay attention to uniform rules
Inventory equipment & order new equipment Repair old equipment Implements Finish Line equipment Software Shelter Facility needs
Evaluating facility needs and arranging practice sites Safety issues Off-campus practices
Submit financial requests to business office Entry fees Equipment/Uniform Invoices Lodging
Submit bus requests to transportation office Buses-how many? *Private transportation? *Varsity/JV Meets
Line up a capable, willing team manager A good student- manager is a great asset
Recruit home meet helpers Experienced Not experienced-clinic or training session
Set up any necessary lodging When you make arrangements… When you’re A.D. makes arrangements…
Establish team captains or leaders prior to the season *Choose (or elect) your captains *Meet with team leaders or seniors
Track coaches should be physically fit! Model: Good nutrition Active lifestyle Self control Clean living Positive attitude
Attend a coach’s clinic! Keep yourself informed and on top of training methods and state guidelines Washington State Track and Field Coaches Association Conference Pemco All-Sports Clinics WIAA Coach’s School WSU Track camp