Phoenix Convention Center Phoenix, Arizona Goal Setting and Performance Based Contracting Track 7: Building Performance Session 5: Constructing High Performance New Buildings Shanti Pless National Renewable Energy Laboratory August 12, 2015
Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Goal Setting and Performance Based Contracting Presenter: Paul Torcellini, NREL Description: Learn to set goals in constructing high performance new buildings and how to maximize the use of performance based contracts to achieve those goals Implementation Lessons and Results Presenter: Shanti Pless, NREL Description: Review lessons learned and results in implementation of practices to best help guarantee building performance. A View from a Contractor Presenter: Phil Macey, JE Dunn Construction Description: Develop an understanding from the contractor’s perspective in understanding the process in designing and constructing high performance new buildings. 2 Session Overview
Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Historical Context Pre-2007 – Design-bid-build – Specifications of “exactly” what we wanted – Always struggling to balance the budget with program and architecture and energy 4
NREL: Today 2012 aerial, Photo by Sincere/Duncan Studios courtesy of JE Dunn Construction
NREL Campus Growth with Design-Build Procurement process attributes post-2007: – Design-build project delivery with firm fixed price for >$400 Million of new facilities – Specific energy performance requirements in the Request for Proposal (RFP, also referred to as the contract) RSF I, office example: 25 kBtu/ft 2 /yr SEB, guard house example: net zero energy PUE for datacenter of 1.06 – Energy modeling required to substantiate goals – Energy end-use metering requirement – Voluntary incentive ($) program to ensure measurement and verification outcome has a chance to meet predicted performance 6
Research Support Facility Vision A showcase for sustainable, high-performance design o Incorporates the best in energy efficiency, environmental performance, and advanced controls using a “whole-building” integrated design process Serves as a model for cost-competitive, high-performance commercial buildings for the nation’s design construction, operation, and financing communities Credit: RNL 7
Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Owner Defines Desires Mission Critical: Project cannot succeed without this element Highly Desirable: What the owner wants If Possible: The wish list 8
Problem Definition: RFP Objectives Attain safe work performance/ Safe Design Practices LEED Platinum ENERGY STAR “Plus” MISSION CRITICAL 10
Problem Definition: RFP Objectives 800 staff capacity 25kBTU/sf/year Architectural integrity Honor future staff needs Measurable ASHRAE 90.1 Support culture and amenities Expandable building Ergonomics Flexible workspace Support future technologies Documentation to produce a “How to” manual “PR” campaign implemented in real- time Allow secure collaboration with outsiders Building information modeling Substantial completion by 2010 HIGHLY DESIRABLE 11
Problem Definition: RFP Objectives Net Zero/design approach Most energy efficient building in the world LEED Platinum Plus ASHRAE % Visual displays of current energy efficiency Support public tours Achieve national and global recognition and awards Support personnel turnover IF POSSIBLE 12
Details of 25 kBtu/ft 2 in a Contract 1.Set energy goal based on past measured office building research 2.Need to provide normalization for space efficiency 3.Need to provide adjustment for energy use for large external users – data center 4.Calculation method for delivered campus utilities - Didn’t want to let design team “assume” unknown delivered efficiency 5.Benchmark current plug loads and operational schedules 6.Thermal comfort requirements 7.Energy monitoring requirements 8.Unique substantiation requirements 9.Provide ZEB definitions and classification system 13
EUI Design Requirements 25 kBtu/ft 2 /yr for standard office space occupant density and datacenter loads Normalized up to 35.1 kBtu/ft 2 /yr for better space efficiency and to account for full data center load 14
Performance-based design-build with absolute energy use requirements These are NOT bridging documents – Owner has significant input into the preliminary design – Some overlap of A/E costs These ARE performance specifications –What something must do, not what it must be –Subcontractor must substantiate that the design meets requirements –Owner must not give the subcontractor technical direction No drawings/plans in RFP! Don’t change your mind Energy Performance Based Design-Build Process 15
A value engineering process that adds value 16
A value engineering process that adds value 17
The Results 18
Acquisition Strategy Results Created Value Beyond the Budget at Lower Cost and Risk to All Parties No Claims or Controversy No Contractor Change Orders Virtually No Contingency Use for Unknowns or Omissions Sixteen Months from Shovel to Move-In Over a year of delivery time saved! Large Scale Net Zero Energy without increase in first cost Defined a New National Building Energy Standard Replicable Acquisition Strategy for Use by Others to Create Their Own Successes! 19
How Much Did It Cost? $259/ft 2 construction costs for site work, infrastructure, and building o Includes interiors, furniture, and cabling o Does not include PV, land, or design costs Third-party-owned power purchase agreement for PV o $29/ft 2 or 11% additional cost if NREL had purchased all PV without tax breaks or subsidies (at $5/Watt) 20
Firm fixed price with required energy goals in design-build contract Integrated architecture and envelope as efficiency measures Simple and commercially viable No unique technologies required Modular precast wall panels with minimal finishes Optimized glazing area Repeatable office floorplate Takes a coordinated effort with the owner (and all user groups), architect, builder, and engineers Replicable – Cost Control Review 21
DOE/NREL Research Support Facility RFP Design/Build Requirements: 50% energy cost savings over ASHRAE kBtu/ft 2 /yr Net zero energy use Performance assurance plan with incentives Design/Build Results: Net zero energy use 36.4 kBtu/ft 2 /yr $259/sqft construction costs 22
DOE/NREL RSF 3 rd Wing RFP Design/Build Requirements: 27 kBtu/ft 2 /yr 50% Energy Cost Savings Performance assurance plan with incentives Design/Build Results: 20 kBtu/ft 2 /yr measured Demonstration of additional cost savings, energy efficiency, and schedule gains over phase 1 17 % more efficient than the RSF Cost savings of 5% ($14/ft 2 cheaper) 23
DOE/NREL 1800 Car Staff Parking Garage Design/Build Requirements: 0.5 kBtu/ft kBtu/stall Net-zero energy Site Entrance Building Design/Build Results: 90% Energy savings 138 kBtu/parking stall $14,172 per parking space $15,500 to $24,500 for typical parking space in Denver area
DOE/NREL Cafeteria RFP Design/Build Requirements: 35% energy cost savings over ASHRAE 90.1 Best in class commercial kitchen equipment Performance assurance plan with incentives LEED Gold Design/Build Results: 36% energy savings and Platinum Demonstration of max efficiency in a commercial kitchen using energy performance based design/build delivery and procurement methods Continuous improvement requirements in vendor contract to ensure performance assurance
DOE/NREL Energy Systems Integration Facility Design/Build Requirements: 27 kBtu/ft 2 Office wing 1.06 PUE Super computer No mechanical cooling Waste heat reuse 30% savings for all labs LEED Gold Design/Build Results: 26 kBtu/ft 2 Office wing World class efficient super computer 1.05 PUE 36% savings in labs LEED Platinum 26
Replication Success 27
World Class Efficiency is Possible Within Our Construction Budgets! Include absolute EUI requirements – Set up acquisition process to “force” integrated design – Subsystem measureable performance requirements when needed Energy modeling guides conceptual design decisions Architecture and envelope are also efficiency measures – Unwavering commitment to problem statement Unleash power of design/build team of experts to meet your needs – true value engineering Spend the time to get the RFP right 28
How-to Guides for Cost Control Guide: – – Discusses the recommended strategies – Pairs strategies with industry examples of success in ZEBs and other high-performance buildings where possible – Describes how to balance key decision-making factors – Provides quick reference tables to help building owners and project teams apply the recommended strategies to their projects. Fact sheet: – – Highlights key ideas from the guide – Directs readers to the guide for more details.
Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade
Scale performance- based procurement 100 buildings three years This material is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), under Award Number DE-EE
Extended partnerships and stakeholder group forming now TEAM Seventhwave National Renewable Energy Laboratory Institute for Sustainable Energy UTILITY PARTNERS ComEd Eversource United Illuminating OWNER PARTNERS University of Chicago Lend Lease Photos courtesy of University of Chicago