By, Hannah Hartman
Food- they eat in a continental style with the fork in the left hand and knife in the right hand. Clothing- some people make their own clothes because stores are so expensive. Religion- 90% are roman Catholics. Tradition- parents stick with Polish names such as Michal for boys and Anna for girls. The average family has one or two children.
2005 the Kaczynski government wishes to keep the Catholic values while slowing market economy reforms and protecting social welfare programs. The U.S Catholic church is similar to Poland’s because they both talk about helping the poor and treating others with respect.
The physical features in Poland are mountains, seas, small lakes, some forests, and rivers. The land- the land in Poland rises to the south because of the wind coming in. Natural resources in Poland are mostly minerals but the also have fertile soil, coal, and fuel. Poland is on the border on the B alsic sea so they transport goods on a water route. The minerals and goods that they have in Poland effect what there jobs are like today. Such as trading
Poland is a highly developed country and one of the highest growing in the EU. Poland is the fifth biggest economy in the EU. It is ranking 14 in world education. It is the second country with the lowest homicide rates in the EU. Homicide- means the deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another; murder.
Q: How did the Germans conquer Poland so fast? A: They marched in backwards and the Polish thought they were leaving. Q: How many Polaks does it take to change a light bulb? A1: 3. One to stand on a chair and hold the bulb and the other two to spin the chair. A2: One to hold the bulb and the other to spin the house.
In Poland, people peel bananas from the blossom end and not the stem end. Geographically, Poland is not actually in Eastern Europe – it is in fact in the very center of Europe. Poland’s national symbol is the white-tailed Eagle. In Poland, pizza bases do not have tomato or sauce on. Tomato sauce is served separately and put on top of the pizza, and very often it is basically ketchup! Roman Catholicism is so popular that Poland actually has a TV channel dedicated to the Pope.