Education, Training & Workforce Update FSP Training for Small Counties June 29, 2007 By Toni Tullys, MPA, Project Director, Regional Workforce Development, CiMH
Essential Elements in Workforce Development Focus on wellness, recovery, resilience Cultural competence Consumer/family driven services Consumers and family members integrated throughout the mental health system Community collaboration
5 Education & Training Categories Workforce Staffing Support Training and Technical Assistance Career Pathway Programs Residency and Internship Programs Financial Incentive Programs Detailed descriptions on the DMH website:
What is Underway? MHSA Education & Training Component is being rolled out Early implementation funds are currently available for counties 5 key funding categories Funding will be equally divided between state initiatives and county/local efforts from July June 2009.
Early Implementation Funds 15% of each county’s education and training funds are currently available Counties can select how they want to use these dollars Minimal requirements to draw down these funds CMHDA formula provides $225,000 for small counties through June 09
MHSA Education and Training Funds Funding Sources: Statewide administrative dollars $200 million available 07-09; divided equally between state and local initiatives CMHDA funding formula used to determine each county’s funding amount $400 + million in the Education and Training Trust Fund - dedicated contribution to the fund stops in % allocation in Community Services and Support (CSS) plans after 2009
3 Year County Plan Guidelines In final review process with all key stakeholder groups Planned release date July 2007 Counties will be required to complete a Workforce Needs Assessment and to develop an Education and Training Plan Counties can decide what their needs are and how they want to use these funds – they do not have to develop programs in all 5 funding categories
Statewide Initiatives DMH will be releasing Requests for Quotations (RFQ’s) to develop model programs that can be replicated across the state. Competitive proposal process Stakeholder calls underway to revise each of the RFQ’s Planned release July 2007
Education & Training Staff Support CiMH – Toni Tullys DMH Education & Training Unit – Warren Hayes, Chief Mental Health Planning Council Human Resource Committee - Brian Keefer, Project Manager CMHDA - new position County training directors Regional partnership staff
What is a Regional Partnership? Local collaborative effort based on local workforce needs. Participants include public mental health providers, educators, consumers and family members, state agencies, and community partners. Goal is to develop joint strategies and initiatives to address training, education, and workforce needs.
Why a Partnership? Workforce development requires the expertise and efforts of each stakeholder group to get us where we need to go. Wellness and recovery focused education is critical for mental health workers at all levels of the system. Each stakeholder group adds value and benefits from the collaboration.
Partnership Value for Providers Influencing curriculum development to support wellness and recovery. Sharing employment needs with educators to ensure that new graduates are well prepared for the workforce. Increasing the number of culturally competent, wellness and recovery oriented employees. Increasing the number of consumers and family members in the workforce at all levels of the system.
Partnership Value for Educators Ensuring that curriculum and teaching reflect current mental health practices and support wellness and recovery. Integrating education with practice through co- teaching and fieldwork placements. Attracting students to programs and expanding student opportunities. Learning about supportive education needs and strategies for students who are consumers.
Partnership Value for Consumers Providing consumer voice, experience and leadership. Promoting wellness and recovery. Eliminating barriers to education and employment. Creating consumer employment opportunities at all levels of the public mental health system.
Partnership Value for Consumers Providing consumer voice, experience and leadership. Promoting wellness and recovery. Eliminating barriers to education and employment. Creating consumer employment opportunities at all levels of the public mental health system.
Partnership Value for Family Members Providing voice, experience and leadership. Raising awareness of family member roles and needs. Creating family member employment opportunities within the public mental health system.
Regional Partnership Functions Serving as the infrastructure for public mental health training and education activities. Increasing employment and career advancement opportunities for consumers and family members. Increasing the diversity and cultural competency of the workforce. Strengthening partnerships between county mental health departments, community-based organizations and educational institutions.
Functions (#2) Developing curriculum at all academic levels that support wellness and recovery. Creating pipeline strategies from high schools to colleges and universities. Partnering with existing workforce programs and initiatives to leverage expertise and resources. Improving employers’ staff recruitment and retention.
Functions (#3) Promoting public understanding and awareness of mental illness and the damage caused by stigma and discrimination. Evaluating successes and developing replicable models. Identifying and securing workforce resources, such as grants and in-kind support.
What’s Happening Today? Initial meetings are underway across California “Micro-regions” are being developed in the Central Valley and Northern California New relationships are being forged between stakeholders Each region is identifying their local needs and developing their priorities DMH will provide staffing support in Summer 2007
Small County Workforce Needs Recruitment of staff, especially licensed staff Educational partnerships to provide career pathway options in remote geographic locations Financial incentives to attract new staff and support continuing education for current staff Training geared towards small county needs and offered at a local or regional level
Current Small County Recommendations Develop “micro-regions” based on geographic proximity and county collaboration Utilize regional partnership staff for local training and education support Develop small county “grow your own” strategies and out-of- area recruitment strategies
Current Recommendations #2 Explore the development of a distance education career pathway beginning with AA degrees and continuing through graduate degrees (RN & MSW) Utilize/purchase the technology necessary for tele-psychiatry Recognize the unique challenges of rural mental health departments and needs of rural underserved populations
Training and Technical Assistance Trainings on the Education & Training 3 Year Guidelines will be offered in August and September Plan is for counties to bring their workforce teams and to have an opportunity to learn about specific strategies designed to meet their local needs
Contact Information Toni Tullys, Project Director, Regional Workforce Development, CiMH Ext. 145 Warren Hayes, Chief, Education and Training, DMH