Media Services North Campus Feb 2001 Miami-Dade Community College Enrollment Management Media Services North Campus Feb 2001 Presentation to The Board of Trustees March 19, 2002
Media Services North Campus Feb 2001 Enrollment Management Definition: A comprehensive plan focusing on both recruitment and retention to guide an institution toward reaching its desired enrollment state.
Media Services North Campus Feb 2001 Demographic and academic characteristics of our students Demographic and academic characteristics of our students Member of a minority group A first language other than English Lower placement scores Attending part time Working while enrolled Being an older student First in the family to attend college
Media Services North Campus Feb 2001 Establish measurable goals for recruitment and retention 1. Goal Campus-based planning is currently underway to develop these goals: First draft will be ready by April 1, Plans will include target groups, strategies, and measurable outcomes. College wide priorities will be established. Successful campus strategies will be adopted college wide.
Media Services North Campus Feb 2001 Identify significant groups to target for recruitment and retention 2. Goal Attract and retain academically prepared students Improve student performance in key courses and programs Target programs with high volume and high attrition such as 1. Mathematics 2. College Prep 3. ESL
Media Services North Campus Feb 2001 Identify significant groups to target for recruitment and retention (con’t.) 2. Goal Determine the type of students to target: For example, students enrolling less than 2 years after high school seem to graduate in the shortest amount of time. < 2 yrs >11 yrs years 3.77 years 4.0 years 3.76 years
Media Services North Campus Feb 2001 Identify significant groups to target for recruitment and retention (con’t) 2. Goal Yet, students who enroll several years after high school have the highest grade point average. < 2 yrs >11 yrs GPA 2.35 GPA 2.47 GPA2.52 GPA
Media Services North Campus Feb 2001 Implement a system for evaluating services 3. Goal Every service needs to be evaluated Expand the use of surveys: - Enrolled Student Surveys conducted every 2 years - Graduating Student Survey to be conducted next in Use “Point of Service” surveys
Media Services North Campus Feb 2001 Implement a system for evaluating services (con’t) 3. Goal Focus groups conducted with students in - Mathematics - ESL - College Prep (in progress) - Transferring students with and without a degree (planning stage) Focus group information already in use - by the Math Roundtable - in new faculty orientation
Media Services North Campus Feb 2001 Identify the retention rate and performance of students in key courses 4. Goal Identify key courses and programs with high attrition and/or low success For example, these are the classes with the lowest pass rates: MAT % MAC % BSC % MAC % PSC % Source: IR Research Note, March 2, 2001
Media Services North Campus Feb 2001 Implement system to collect, analyze and report recruitment and retention data 5. Goal Determine what information to collect and how; use the data to make decisions Get information easily into the hands of those who can use it (especially faculty and staff) Need a system which easily tracks students from initial inquiry to graduation Collect constant feedback from students, faculty and staff
Media Services North Campus Feb 2001 Implement system to evaluate the effectiveness of recruitment and retention activities 6. Goal Establish baseline measures Use them to determine effectiveness of strategies and activities Determine enrollment yield and completion rates of students by relevant factors/ categories
Media Services North Campus Feb 2001 Activities and goals for Year Two include… Identification of enrollment and retention barriers for students Develop empirically derived profiles of successful students Establish a process for changing prospects into admitted/enrolled students
Media Services North Campus Feb 2001 Other activities and goals for Year Two include… Design a process for re-enrolling current students Develop a system to respond to and track inquiries Create a recruitment plan with measurable outcomes for each campus Create a retention plan with measurable outcomes for each campus