GCSE URDU SOME USEFUL GUIDANCE! What else is left to do now..?
So, you have been doing controlled assessment after controlled assessment, one re-sit after another. One minute you are doing speaking and the next writing. Where exactly are you up to now and what is left to do?
SPEAKING You have completed two speaking controlled assessments which in total are worth 30% of the Urdu GCSE – well done! These are one the topic of 1) My holidays (15%) 2) My school life (15%)
WRITING You have also completed two writing controlled assessments which in total are worth 30% of the Urdu GCSE – great work! These are one the topic of 1) Myself, family and friends (15%) 2) My Environment (15%)
30% + 30% = 60% You have already prepared 60% of the Urdu GCSE! What’s left?
READING You will do a reading exam in the hall in May 2013 which is worth 20% of the Urdu GCSE. In order to prepare for this you can do reading past papers, practise reading Urdu newsapers and magazines. Learn of key vocabulary. Past papers: du_materials.php
LISTENING You will do a listening exam in the hall in May 2013 which is worth 20% of the Urdu GCSE. In order to prepare for this you can do listening past papers, listen to authentic Urdu material such as Urdu news and watch Urdu dramas. Past papers: du_materials.php
30% + 30% + 20% + 20% Speaking Writing Reading Listening = 100% Urdu GCSE
Links for useful listening material: 1) Urdu drama – “Hamsafar” GFhEMZv33U 2) Urdu drama – “Bulbuley” ZtNnRTMsbM 3) Geo News Q2UidGObGY