Minoans B.C.
Trade Lived in Crete and dominated trade along the Mediterranean Famous shipbuilders (like Phoenicians) Traded pottery, swords, and metal figures ▫If they had no money, how did they trade? Trading goods around the Mediterranean led to cultural diffusion, what is cultural diffusion?
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Phoenicians 1100 B.C. Is this date before or after the time the Minoans lived?
The Phoenicians picked up where the Minoans left off. What do you think was their main source of economy? Their wealth came from trade
Famous Traders Traded along the Mediterranean ▫Created colonies to make trade easier each was its own city-state or had its own government ▫Main colony at Carthage in N. Africa
Alphabet Phonetic meaning 1 sound: 1 symbol 22 symbols total Trade allowed for other cultures to adopt this written form betEvolution.jpghttp://z.about.com/d/atheism/1/0/y/y/2/Alpha betEvolution.jpg
Judaism A search for the promise land
Timeline Abraham: Father of Jewish people Deborah: A prominent judge Moses: Led Hebrews out of slavery Saul, David, Solomon: Kings under whom Hebrews united 2000 B.C B.C B.C B.C.