North Santiam School District Scaling Up! April 30, 2010 Michael Ann McIlvenny, Associate Superintendent Jeri Harbison, Intervention Coach
Who is North Santiam School District? Located 12 miles east of Salem Serves 2398 students 6 School locations in 3 Communities K-3; 4-5; 6-8; 9-12 and 2/K-8 5 schools qualify for Title Programs Special Education Population – 11.6% declined from 16.9% in December 2005 ELL Population – 6% stable Graduation Rate – 97%
Organization Chart Superintendent Facilities, Budget, General Operations, Management Team Associate Superintendent Instruction and Support Services – curriculum, staff development, federal programs, assessment, anything to do with students and instruction/coaches – literacy and behavior, nursing, truancy/safety officer Building Principals Specialists – Reading, Special Education and ELL Teachers Instructional Assistants
Management Team and the Board of Directors Management Team – led by Supt. All stakeholders participate including union membership, facilities, technology, food service, Board Chair, principals, vice principals, directors, etc. Board of Directors – led by Supt. And Chair Participates on Management Team, District Level Teams, Adopt a Building
What data? DIBELS OAKS Progress Reporter – Curriculum-based measure PET-R – Literacy (Dist. & Bldg.) DSSP SWIS CICO Benchmarks of Quality – PBS SET Attendance Health Information if needed
Alignment to EBISS Framework EBISS District Leadership Assoc. Supt.; Coaches; Principals; District Test Coordinator; Management Team District Literacy Team/PBS Team Coach, Reading Specialist, Special Ed., Teacher at each level and each building, Assoc. Supt., District Test Coordinator, Principal, Board Member, Classified Instructional Asst., Truancy/Safety Officer, Secretary Principal Team Monthly review of implementation, supports, staff development
School-wide Teams Principal, vice principal/dean of students, coach, special ed, ELL, reading specialist/Title – in building coaches, behavior specialists – nurse and truancy/officer as needed Missing and known component is teacher and instructional assistant representation – working towards adding this by fall 2010; students at secondary levels as soon as possible Provide stipend for PBS Building Facilitators and Reading Specialists
Grade Level Teams Principal, VP/dean of students, all teachers from the grade level, specialists – meet monthly in the building/data and meet monthly as a district/instructional implementation based on data analysis Purposeful design from Literacy Team recommendations; better implementation of Core Reading curriculum – small chunks Fidelity checklist for Literacy Curriculum Implementation
IPBS Teams Only two buildings actively engaging in this model – both academics and behavior Each building has established SIT/CARE Team processes – one for behavior or for academics Fall 2010 Fully implement RTI identification for behavior and reading Math model piloted in one building
Funding Co-mingling of all funds towards the outcomes General fund Title funds IDEA Grants – competitive aligned to our model
Questions? Wanting to learn more, please contact us at North Santiam School District us us Office Cell Office Cell