1 Inspection of General Practice Ian Jeavons Lynne Lord
CQC – Primary Medical Services 7 Inspection teams covering North of England Each team consists of 9 Inspectors Each team covers a geographical patch of CCG areas Each team managed by an Inspection Manager Currently teams focus on different CCG Area each month Plan to Inspect / rate all GP Practices by Sept 2016 ( Outstanding, Good, Requires Improvement or Inadequate) 2
Planning Inspections Inspector builds team around Inspection Inspector analyses information about the Practice CQC seeks information from CCG / NHS England Practice get 2 weeks notice of inspection Practice asked to submit some information in advance of inspection Practice receives comment card box / comment cards Communication about how the inspection day will be structured Practice to prepare 30 mins information overview for delivery on the inspection day 3
Inspection Day Typically 8:30am – 5:00pm ( this can vary) Practice overview / 30 mins Interviews / Discussions with staff / patients Review of policies / procedures /records Checking how things are managed in the Practice Observations Focus on population groups Feedback session 4
Is the Practice Safe? Safe track record Learning and Improvement from safety incidents Reliable safety systems and processes including safeguarding Medicines management Cleanliness and Infection Control Equipment Monitoring safety and responding to risk Arrangements for dealing with emergencies and major incidents 5
Is the Practice effective Effective needs assessment Managing, monitoring and improving outcomes for people Effective staffing Working with colleagues and other services Information sharing Consent to care and treatment Health promotion and prevention 6
Is the Practice Caring? Respect, dignity, compassion and empathy Care planning and involvement in decisions about care and treatment Patient/ carer support to cope emotionally with care and treatment 7
Is the Practice Responsive? Responding to and meeting peoples needs Tackling inequality and promoting equality Access to the service Listening and learning from concerns and complaints 8
Is the Practice well led? Vision and strategy Governance arrangements Leadership, openness and transparency Seeking and acting on feedback from patients, public and staff Management lead through learning and improvement 9
Population Groups Older People People with long term conditions Families, children and young people, Working people (including students) People whose circumstances make them vulnerable People experiencing poor mental health 10
After the Inspection? Inspector analyses Inspection findings Lead Inspector produces draft inspection report awards ratings Draft inspection report goes through QA process - regional / national Draft inspection report sent to Practice for Factual Accuracy comment Final inspection report is published Practice asked for Action plan (if required) Practice can request rating review 11
12 Ratings: four point scale High level characteristics of each rating level Innovative, creative, constantly striving to improve, open and transparent Consistent level of service people have a right to expect, robust arrangements in place for when things do go wrong May have elements of good practice but inconsistent, potential or actual risk, inconsistent responses when things go wrong Severe harm has or is likely to occur, shortfalls in practice, ineffective or no action taken to put things right or improve
Latest Published Inspection Reports with Ratings ( 1 Oct 2014 – 22 May 2015) 13 Outstanding (3%); Good (82%); Requires Improvement (11%); Inadequate (4%) TotalNorthSouthCentralLondon Outstanding Good Requires Improvement Inadequate
Overall rating by domain (1 October 2014 – 30 April 2015) 14
Tips Emphasise what the Practice does well (innovative work) Emphasise any learning and improvement from any challenges Don’t be caught out with common issues: Out of date medicines being used / not secure Staff recruitment evidence Lack of awareness about safeguarding 15
Any Questions? Any Questions ??????? 16